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Overview of experiment structure

Kathryn Schuler edited this page Nov 16, 2016 · 17 revisions

Staircase Procedure

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
Adjust SNR of stimulus (do so by changing the intensity of the stimulus, NOT the noise) such that for each condition (A, AV, Environ), we know the SNR at which the subject will get 70% and 95% correct. If possible, structure this such that the 70% and 95% thresholds can be determined in one continuous task. Katie does X
Counterbalance which conditions/thresholds are computed first Katie does X

Main Task Structure

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
3 conditions – auditory, audiovisual, environmental sounds (aud only) Katie does X
200 trials per condition (100 Hard, 100 Easy) The number of trials per condition is set in the `
Stimuli will be blocked by condition, with block order randomized. Katie does X
Each block will have 20 trials (10 hard, 10 easy, randomly mixed within the block). Katie does X
Blocks will be separated by a title screen with plain text indicating what the next block of stimuli will be (1 sec duration) – i.e. “Auditory” “Visual” “Sounds” Katie does X
REST – there will be 2 rest blocks (2 min duration). One rest after the first 200 trials (10 blocks), one rest after the 400th trial (20 blocks). Katie does X
Instructions pages (one page per bullet) Katie does X

Trial Structure

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
Each trial is 5 sec long, with an inter-trial interval of 1 sec (so, 6 sec total) Katie does X
Inter-trial interval (not pictured, occurs before/after each trial): 1 sec duration, no sound, gray fixation cross. Katie does X

Prestimulus Period

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
1 sec duration Katie does X
Noise always present (should sound identical in all trial types) Katie does X
Visual input is either “H” or “E” centered on screen in black text indicating Hard or Easy trial Katie does X

Stimulus Presentation Window

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
2 sec duration Katie does X
Noise is constant – should be no interruption, should sound continuous from prestimulus period Katie does X
Stimulus onset occurs at a variable point within 2 sec window such that stimulus concludes within window (Need to output stimulus onset and offset times for each trial, such that we know which stimulus occurred at which time point) Katie does X
Visual Input: differs depending on condition Katie does X
Auditory and Environ – scrambled image that matches low level vis properties of faces. (perhaps we should load a video but not show it to keep delay time constant?) Katie does X
AV – visual input is video of me speaking. Video appears at start of presentation window (2sec mark), but doesn't play. Video plays at randomized onset time within window. Katie does X

Poststimulus Waiting Period

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
1 sec duration Katie does X
No sound, red fixation cross Katie does X

Answer choice

Kelly's Instructions Katie's Code
Ends when response is made, times out after 3 seconds Katie does X
No sound Katie does X
Visual input: 4 answer choices, correct answer location varies, key presses to choose: arrange choices in plus sign pattern (not as pictured), use arrow keys as response keys Katie does X