pdftogether is a simple tool written in Python 3 for merging several pdf files into one file.
From time to time I need to merge two or more pdf files into one. It doesn't make sense to have every page of a document in a seperate file. Windows doesn't support such operation out-of-box, nor the most popular pdf readers. As the app I had been using for a while doesn't seem to be updated anymore, I decided to create such pdf merging app by myself, keeping it as simple as possible.
pdftogether requires Python 3 to run it, that's first prerequisite. I'll refer to Python 3 later simply as Python, so keep this in mind. pdftogether was tested on Python 3.11.5, but it should be fine with any future versions for a while.
The same rule applies to pypdf package, but I recommend using it in version I used, that's pypdf 3.16.2. I refer to this version in instructions below.
After having Python installed (if you don't have it yet, you can find it there), you just need to install one extra package from pip by typing in cmd/PowerShell/Terminal:
py -m pip install pypdf==3.16.2
Then you just need to get pdftogether.pyw file from this repository. You may run it by just double-clicking on file.
On most Linux distributions Python is already installed, but it requires a few more steps as tkinter and pip are not installed along with Python. I will use Ubuntu 22.04.2 as an example there.
Ubuntu has Python installed by default, so start with installing tkinter for GUI by typing in Terminal:
sudo apt-get install -y python3-tk
Then install pip, a package installer for Python the same way:
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
After that get pypdf - the only package from pip required for pdftogether.pyw:
python3 -m pip install pypdf==3.16.2
Then all that is left is to download pdftogether.pyw from this repository and run it.
To add file to list - just click on Add (to list) button at the top, then select a file from new window and click Open button. Now it should appear on list with files in main window of pdftogether.
To remove file from list - select filename on list in main window of application and click on Remove (from list) button at the top of the window.
To merge pdf files - after adding files in the correct order to the list click on Build button on the bottom of window, then select a place where you'd like to save a new file (you can also change its name at this point) in a new window and click Save button.
This application is based on following open source software:
pdftogether is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.