- Added agents (More Information)
- 556adb6c: Added snap support for main sidebar to allow full screen dashboard
- 41bf060f: Improved app updater mechanism
- 53150176: Added multi item selection and actions in the navigator tree
- 01ed858c: Fixed react query offline behavior
- 7f29a900: Fixed ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded error
- 3bf39ce3: Fixed app updater quit and install
- 9945e576: Added network check to check for updates
- 30a02279: Fixed 'value' in actuator environment response not being transformable to string
- 55a399d0: Added auto updating for Windows
- bec2a8cf: Added Info page
- 32e44c66: Added Health page
- 9057aefc: Added Logfile page
- f9a020d2: Added settings page with sections
- 7ef07f41: Added system backups manager to app settings
- ed26b3a8: Added metrics value formatting by unit
- 1825ea8a: Added UI animations
- acb26092: Added build and git info to instance
- 279a9319: Improved home screen feedback ui
- c9d870f4: Improved folder-applications and application-instances tables empty states
- 00e585ef: Added preview for import config and restore backup
- d6253787: Fixed manually downloading updates to only allow one click
- ff984587: Fixed missing sort when exporting folders
- e5bde84c: Fixed navigator tree move/rename/delete async methods
- f6089d6d: Fixed slowness when navigating from instance dashboard to another page
- 39de2121: Added application dashboard
- 1097b051: Added join discord buttons to home screen
- b56c2f46: Added notifications settings
- 230be293: Added ability to shutdown instances
- 421a4271: Added ability to cancel heapdump downloads
- 72697846: Added application health notifications
- 02d736a4: Added methods to send direct feedback
- a1218544: Added folder dashboard
- 26d11967: Added ability to configure notifications for metric changes
- bc717019: Added option to export / import configurations
- 52be8657: Added tooltips to navbar buttons
- fb235a9c: Updated start demo design to be more prominent
- 9fa6cf20: Added global dashboard
- 9188bc31: Added automatic selection of instance/application/folder on creation
- c4ea9924: Fixed application health not updating after cache eviction
- 8b3732f8: Fixed instance active profiles overflow ui
- 5a4e450d: Change app updater to run once on app start if enabled
- b1877064: Fixed analytics not sending heartbeat event
- 8e8dc99d: Removed ability to move instances between applications
- 94527477: Fixed dashboard loading ui bug
- 58d20a08: Fixed demo created multiple times
- 216ec437: Fixed dashboard widget not available state
- c521002b: Fixed beans table dependency click not working when filtered
- 16e1599d: Fixed table action tooltip for disabled actions not interactable
- 26211c7: Added manual app updates mechanism
- 3a04b8b: Added ability to disable SSL verification for applications
- 18b5f69: Added Togglz support
- 2b6508e: Added analytics heartbeat and additional demo events
- c23fa41: Fixed demo application not opened on start
- 7d0e0e0: Fixed dashboard metric error handling
- 58b2df7: Fixed global api error handler invalid app rerenders
- 1ed0b79: Added in-app demo
- 78106d6: Deep sort app properties keys alphabetically
- 70fe8ca: Add missing pattern nullcheck to the multi date deserializer
- 5d7cfd2: Fixed grid text line break mid-word
- debaf31: Added analytics events and disabled analytics in developer mode
- 75551a4: Rename app from Boost to Ostara
- 2614ab0: Added error boundary and user feedback on error
- 43dc6f6: Added signature for x64 native sqlite library for mac
- e3b5ce7: Added empty state to thread/heap dump tables
- e7819fb: Added loading state to log level toggle
- d9df5fe: Added redaction warning for masked actuator response
- 8ace76b: Fixed analytics implementation with amplitude
- d3261ac: Fixed heapdump download in MacOS
- 7cc135d: Add default values to all fields in actuator responses
- 789d2e0: Added app version updated dialog
- b67f7b4: Added default actuator url from clipboard to create instance form
- 4e5930e: Fixed thread profiling thread data card ui
- f6849d2: Fixed navbar tooltip doesn't disappear when dragging
- 4384b82: Fixed URL regex not allowing dashes
- 4637100: Fix incorrect non-nullable type for dispatcherServlet in mappings response
- 87d4c87: Fixed update item icon ui
- 2c9ce4f: Fixed disable error reporting in renderer for development
- 31c8b52: Change Http Request Statistics by Statuses to be key by string instead of int
- b1ea44b: Fixed url regex path allowed characters
- 1467cc0: Change update check frequency
- 26a8c3b: Fixed windows icon size
- b9094e7: Fix issue with app version not being present in packaged builds
- 9e83a8e: Added automatic updates control to settings
- 1b92e5f: Added ability error guard for instance dashboard
- 7c8dbc0: Added selected item abilities polling and url ability guard
- d24a8e2: Added ability to control error reporting
- a272589: Added changelog to home with markdown component
- 04eae2f: Added explanation for disabled table row actions
- f1da682: Fixed application caches add statistics
- f798988: Added app version to splash and settings
- 5524c90: Added a new topic on Websocket for instance ability updates
- 82f3c91: Fixed thread profiling cell click opens multiple details boxes
- 69ce337: Removed restriction on deleting ongoing thread profilings
- f290f42: Fixed table row/mass/global actions to disable while loading
- aa109dc: Added help button to open relevant documentation for each page
- bfef682: Fix incorrect sentry tag on renderer
- f25831d: Added status and remaining time websocket updates to thread profiling requests
- 1efe919: Added the ability to disable Sentry data collection
- d23d27b: Added
to Google Analytics
- c99c0f4: Improved thread profiling log palette
- fe68bef: Fixed HTTP requests statistics spinner not showing