Nuxtjs 2 module - cache pages on ssr to the disk, anti-ddos - if you press f5 many times, spa mode will be activated
npm i --save @krol44/nuxt-smart-cache
add to nuxt.config.js
modules: [
['@krol44/nuxt-smart-cache', {
antiDdos: {
// default true
enable: true,
// default - 20 request for 5 seconds and will be locked
maxRequestsForTime: [20, 5],
// default 600 seconds
timeToLockingSsr: 600
cache: {
// default true
enable: true,
// default - /tmp/nuxt_cache_pages
pathTempFiles: '/tmp/langlija_cache_pages',
// default - token
nameCookieForDisable: 'token',
// default - true
rmAllAfterStart: false,
// default - 3600 seconds
ttlFile: 3600 * 24 * 10,
// default - []
ignorePages: [