Project level lint status right in your favorite file explorer.
Tested on:
- Neovim 0.3.1+ - Linux
- Vim 8.0+ - Linux
- Vim or Neovim with "jobs" feature
- One of these file explorers:
Optional, but highly recommended for best performance:
Choose your favorite package manager. If you don't have one, i recommend vim-packager
function! PackagerInit()
packadd vim-packager
call packager#add('kristijanhusak/vim-packager', {'type': 'opt'})
call packager#add('kristijanhusak/vim-project-lint')
"File explorers. Choose your favorite.
call packager#add('scrooloose/nerdtree')
call packager#add('Shougo/defx.nvim')
call packager#add('Shougo/unite.vim')
call packager#add('Shougo/vimfiler.vim')
command! PackagerInstall call PackagerInit() | call packager#install()
nnoremap <Leader>n :NERDTree<CR>
let g:vimfiler_explorer_columns = 'project_lint:type'
nnoremap <Leader>n :VimfilerExplorer
nnoremap <Leader>n :Defx -columns=project_lint:mark:filename:type<CR>
This is the default configuration:
let g:project_lint#error_icon = '✖'
let g:project_lint#warning_icon = '⚠'
let g:project_lint#error_icon_color = 'guifg=#fb4934 ctermfg=167'
let g:project_lint#warning_icon_color = 'ctermfg=214 guifg=#fabd2f'
"Linter settings
" let g:project_lint#enabled_linters = {'javascript': ['eslint'], 'python': ['mypy']}
" If there's no setting provided for filetype, all available linters are used.
" If provided an empty array fora filetype, no linting is done for it.
let g:project_lint#enabled_linters = {}
"let g:project_lint#linter_args = {'mypy': '--ignore-missing-imports'}
let g:project_lint#linter_args = {}
"Folder settings
"Lint status is cached for each project in this folder.
let g:project_lint#cache_dir = '~/.cache/vim-project-lint'
" When this is left empty, all folders from $HOME and above are ignored and not linted:
" example of empty value: `['/home/kristijan', '/home', '/']`
" To allow linting these folders (not recommended), set this value to `v:false`
" Or use your own list of folders. When non-empty value is provided, above defaults are not added.
let g:project_lint#ignored_folders = []
" Echo linting progress in command line. Another way to get the progress info is to use statusline.
" example:
" set statusline+=project_lint#statusline()
let g:project_lint#echo_progress = v:true
" Prints all calls to linter commands and their responses. Mostly useful for development.
let g:project_lint#debug = v:false
Language | Linters |
Python | mypy, flake8 |
Javascript | eslint |
Go | golint, go vet, revive |
Css, Sass, Scss | stylelint |
Lua | luac, luacheck |
php | php -l |
Ruby | ruby, rubocop |
Rust | rustc |
Vim | vint |
Typescript | eslint, tslint |