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Bhav website- A searchable interface for the bhavcopy data generated daily.

Bhavcopy zip is generated everyday at BSE INDIA website, Bhav parses the data automatically and provides an interface for a user to search different equities by name. A user can also export the search data for future reference.

Implemented with Django/VUE/Redis/Celery

Development Setup

  1. Install all the dependencies required for your local installation like python3 and redis server.
    $ sudo apt install redis-server python3-pip python3-dev $ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

  2. Clone the Github repo and move to the directory.
    $ git clone && cd bhavcopy

  3. Create a virtual environment to isolate dependancies for the project.
    $ python3 -m venv .envs/bhavcopyenv

  4. Activate the virtual environment and install the required dependancies listed from requirements file.
    $ source .envs/bhavcopy/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Create a file with your environment settings in the nested bhavcopy folder based of the .ex-env file.
    $ cd bhavcopy && cp .ex-env .env

  6. Run the redis-server.
    $ redis-server

  7. Start the celery beat service for the scheduling.
    $ celery -A proj beat

  8. Run migrations for various dependancies bundled with the project.
    $ python migrate

  9. Start the python server.
    $ python runserver

For production, use a fully fledged server like gunicorn and daemonize celery beat using tools like supervisor. Also edit the .env file to change 'host', 'debug' and 'secret' for production.


  • Schedule data retrieval from BSE INDIA website and update to Redis.
  • Create apis for retrieval of entire dataset and searched dataset.
  • Create a front end based of VUE to display the data from API.
  • Provide a input field for user to search for equity by name.
  • Export the dataset as CSV.
  • Add pagination to show only a chunk of data in each page.