- Please follow README under "create_lmdb_dataset" folder
- You can find the pretrained models for V4 printed for 13 languages under the Assets.
- Using Python = 3.10+
- Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 lang_train.py --mode test --lang bengali --valRoot bengali/test_lmdb --pretrained out/crnn_results/best_cer.pth --cuda --out out --adadelta
is trained model path containing trained model
- Please see config.py file, if you want to change these parameters
- Path "out/test_accuracy.txt" contains test accuracy with respect to CRR and WRR
- Path "out/test_gt_and_predicted_text.txt" contains predicted output (text) of each word image. 1st column is the ground truth text and 2nd column is the predicted text
- Path "out/max_prob" folder containing ".csv" file corresponding to each test word image. It provides probability values of predicted characters.
- Path "out/data_prob" folder containing ".csv" file corresponding to each test word image. It provides a matrix of probability values of a test word image. Matrix dimention is (no of characters) x (length of word). If (iii) and (iv) are not required, you can skip them.
You can contact Ajoy Mondal for any issues or feedbacks.