This is an opensource Repository for all robotics folk's.We Welcome you to Contribute Freely here,just clone this ripo! and do your own stuff and pull request. we will review and merge your branch. Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science and engineering. Robotics involves design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans. thank you!
- Line Follower
- Wall Follower
- Obstical Avoider
- Edge Avoider
- Bluetooth RC Robo
- WiFi RC Robo
- NRF RC Robo
- Ps2 RC Robo
- Camera Surveillance RC Robo
- 1 led on-off by 2 switch (1)
- 1 led on-off by 2 switch (2)
- 8led1switch
- display text on lcd 16x2
- led blink by switch
- ledrun by switch count
- led's blink by switch count
- Survo Moter by Potentiometer
- Survo Moter