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Mathematical notes on the API


For more detailed mathematical background on differentiation, see Automatic differentiation and differential geometry.

The Variable class in AutoDiff uses mathematical function notation for the getters of value and derivative.

Real x; // create a variable
x();    // get the value of x
d(x);   // get the derivative of x

Indeed, depending on the current evaluation mode (forward or reverse), a variable in AutoDiff can be interpreted precisely as a particular mathematical function.

Forward mode

Forward mode is used when you call evaluate or pushTangent on a Function object.

Literal variables

In this context, a literal variable

AutoDiff::Vector3d x;

is a smooth function

$$ x \colon M \to \mathbb{R}^3 \ ,\ p \mapsto x(p) $$

on a smooth manifold $M$.

By setting the value of the variable

x = Eigen::Vector3d{1, 2, 3};

we are setting $p$ such that $x(p) = (1, 2, 3)$. Since we never need to refer to $p$ directly, we can omit it from the notation.

x(); // returns x(p) = (1, 2, 3)

Because $x$ is a smooth function, it has a derivative $dx_p$ at the point $p$. In general, the derivative is a linear map and can be represented by a Jacobian matrix. For instance, we can set $dx_p$ to the identity matrix.

x.setDerivative(Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity()); // set the Jacobian matrix

In the case where $M = \mathbb{R}$, the function $x$ is a curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$ parameterized by $p$. The derivative $dx_p$ is then a tangent vector to the curve at $x(p)$.

x.setDerivative(Eigen::Vector3d{1, 1, 1}); // set the tangent vector

In differential geometry, the derivative (also called differential) is sometimes written as ${\rm d}(x)_p$ which emphasizes that it can be constructed by applying the exterior derivative ${\rm d}$ to the function $x$. Similarly, the AutoDiff d operator returns the differential of a variable evaluated at $p$.

d(x); // returns d(x)_p = (1, 1, 1)^T

Expression variables

More complex functions can be formed by defining a variable as the expression of other variables.

AutoDiff::Vector2d y = phi(x); // expression variable

The expression variable y represents the composition of two functions,

$$ y = \phi\ \circ\ x \colon M \to \mathbb{R}^2,\ p \mapsto \phi(x(p))\ . $$

Like before, the variable y can be evaluated as function, where $p$ is omitted.

y(); // returns y(p) = ϕ(x(p)) = ϕ((1, 2, 3))

Automatic differentiation builds on the chain rule, which states that the differential of a composite is the composite of the differentials,

$$ dy_p = d(\phi \circ x)_p = d\phi _{x(p)} \circ dx_p\ . $$

In AutoDiff, calling pushTangent on a Function instance applies the chain rule and computes the differential of the variable y by composing the derivatives from right to left.

AutoDiff::Function f(from(x), to(y))
f.pushTangent(); // applies the chain rule
d(x);            // returns d(x)_p
d(y);            // returns d(y)_p = d(ϕ)_{x(p)} ∘ d(x)_p

Reverse mode

Reverse mode is used when you call pullGradient on a Function object.

In reverse mode, the same variables are interpreted as different mathematical functions. The output variable y is now the function

$$ \hat{y} \colon \mathbb{R}^2 \to N \ ,\ y(p) \mapsto q $$

mapping the value $y(p)$ from the forward pass into a smooth manifold $N$.

In the case where $N = \mathbb{R}$, the derivative $d\hat{y}$ is a cotangent vector (aka gradient) at $y(p)$ and can be represented by a row vector.

y.setDerivative(Eigen::RowVector2d{1, 1}); // set the cotangent vector
d(y); // returns d(ŷ) = (1, 1)

The variable x is now associated with the composition

$$ \hat{x} = \hat{y} \circ \phi \colon \mathbb{R}^3 \to N \ ,\ x(p) \mapsto q $$

with $x(p)$ being the input value from the forward pass.

Reverse-mode automatic differentiation uses again the chain rule to compute the gradient of $\hat{y}$ with respect to $x$.

$$ d\hat{x}_x = d\hat{y}_y \circ d\phi_x $$

When calling pullGradient on a Function instance, the chain rule is applied and the gradients are computed by composing the derivatives from left to right, i.e., in the reverse order of evaluation.

f.pullGradient(y); // applies the chain rule
d(x);              // returns d(x^)_{x(p)}


The discussion above also extends to binary expressions. In this case, the domain is the Cartesian product of the domains of the two inputs.

$$ \psi \colon M_1 \times M_2 \to N \ ,\ (p_1, p_2) \mapsto q $$

The derivative $d\psi$ at $(p_1,p_2)$ is a linear map between the corresponding tangent spaces. One can show that the tangent space at $(p_1,p_2)$ is also given by the Cartesian product.

$$ d\psi_{(p_1,p_2)} \colon T_{p_1}M_1 \times T_{p_2}M_2 \to T_qN \ , (v_1, v_2) \mapsto w $$