This lambda function uses the EDSM public API to retrieve a commander's last known position, and returns it in a HTML response.
A good friend of mine who I play ED with wanted to know if I was currently in space without having to bug me. I use EDSM to track my pilot logs, and decided to use it to satisfy his need.
The function uses the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to keep the API key for EDSM, so the lambda requires read only access to SSM, in addition to the basic lambda execution role.
sam.yaml is a AWS Serverless Application Model template so that I could test the code locally using AWS SAM CLI during development. The template can be packaged and deployed through the CLI, but does not currently contain the specific permissions or customizations to the API gateway resources.
Right now, this list is enormous, and is currently maintained in my head. I'll add it here when I have a few minutes.