Miscellaneous tools for building and modifying fonts.
The tool sfdpatch.py
modifies FontForge .sfd files. For example:
Sort glyphs by code point:
python tools/sfdpatch.py input.sfd -s > output.sfd
Remove characters:
python tools/sfdpatch.py input.sfd -r 'uniF000 uniF001 uniF002 uF0000' > output.sfd
Remove all characters not the width of a space:
python tools/sfdpatch.py input.sfd -m > output.sfd
The tool ttfhack.py
modifies TrueType .ttf files. For example:
Changing ascent and descent:
python tools/ttfhack.py if=input.ttf winAscent=800 winDescent=200 of=output.ttf
Changing xHeight and capHeight:
python tools/ttfhack.py if=input.ttf xHeight=500 capHeight=700 of=output.ttf
Changing the top and bottom of the bounding box:
python tools/ttfhack.py if=input.ttf yMax=1308 yMin=-544 of=output.ttf
The tool pullucd.py
will download Unicode Character Database files from unicode.org, either the latest version:
python tools/pullucd.py --latest -d myunicodedata
Or a specific version:
python tools/pullucd.py -v 16.0.0 -d unicodedata16
The tools blocks.py
and unicodedata.py
create equivalent data files for characters in the Private Use Area. For example:
python tools/blocks.py --tengwar --cirth > Blocks.txt
python tools/unicodedata.py --tengwar --cirth > UnicodeData.txt
These tools look in the directory unicodedata
for data files matching flags like --tengwar
or --cirth
in the above example. You can also specify data files outside of this directory:
python tools/blocks.py --tengwar --cirth ./mydata/applebanana.txt > Blocks.txt
python tools/unicodedata.py --tengwar --cirth ./mydata/applebanana.txt > UnicodeData.txt
The tool puaabook.py
can use these files to create HTML documentation for the Private Use Area of your font:
python tools/puaabook.py -D Blocks.txt UnicodeData.txt -I myfont.ttf -O pua.html
The tool pypuaa.py
can use these files to create a PUAA
table in your font containing this data:
python tools/pypuaa.py -D Blocks.txt UnicodeData.txt -I myfont.ttf
See the PUAA
table in the Bits'n'Picas wiki for information about this table. It's currently only used by Bits'n'Picas and PushChar.
Say you have a set of characters for your conscript Applebanana at FAB00..FAB3F and you want to create a private use area data file for it. Your file will be named ud0fab00-applebanana.txt
and contain:
@flag --applebanana
@file Blocks.txt
FAB00..FAB3F; Applebanana
@file UnicodeData.txt
Please reference UAX #44 Unicode Character Database for the syntax of character property files.
You may issue pull requests to this repository to add your own private use area assignments, however:
- Please limit the number of changed files in a pull request to two or three files at most. The more files there are the harder it is to review the pull request.
- Inclusion in this repository does not indicate endorsement or inclusion in any registry maintained elsewhere. This is not the place to propose new scripts or characters for CSUR, UCSUR, MUFI, SMuFL, or any other private use area agreement. If that is your goal, please contact the maintainers of the respective registry. For UCSUR, please look for the About link at the bottom of the page. :)
- Do not submit new data files without any character data. If you don't know how you're going to use your block of code points, it's not ready to be in a public repository. Do not speculate about future usage of code space; just because there is a data file for Tengwar Presentation Forms at FE000..FE07F does not mean there will ever be a "Cirth Presentation Forms" at FE080..FE0FF.
- Do not include a
line in any new data files. This directive and the syntax forblocks.py
which uses it is deprecated.