✨ Enhancement
#1633 - Use variable instead of calling every time of use db table prefix.
#1621 - Person view page refactor.
🐛 Bug Fixes
#1632 - Update mail view render event.
#1631 - Dark Mode UI.
#1629 - Activities participants dark mode ui fixed.
#1628 - Refactor the quotes edit and create page.
#1627 - Leads actions ui.
#1626 - Mail View Page Refactor
#1625 - Sidebar rounded menu fix in rtl view.
#1619 - Persons view page avatar and organization edit button.
#1617 - When Printing to pdf, currency Symbol gets printed with ? instead of the Symbol.
#1603 - Bug: Page resets when entering the first character in "URL And Parameters" while creating a Webhook on mobile.
#1597 - Issues with Multiselect Attribute Type for Person Entity.
#1590 - File upload issue.
#1589 - Date time format.
#1578 - Create new user.