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Getting from Redux to stent
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import { Machine } from 'stent' ;
const machine = Machine . create ( 'app' , {
state : { name : 'idle' , todos : [ ] } ,
transitions : {
'idle' : {
'add new todo' : function ( { state } , todo ) {
return { name : 'idle' , todos : [ ...state . todos , todo ] } ;
} ,
'delete todo' : function ( { state } , index ) {
return { name : 'idle' , todos : state . todos . splice ( index , 1 ) } ;
} ,
'fetch todos' : function * ( ) {
yield 'fetching' ;
try {
const todos = yield call ( getTodos , '/api/todos' ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
return { name : 'fetching failed' , error } ;
return { name : 'idle' , todos } ;
} ,
'fetching failed' : {
'fetch todos' : function * ( ) {
yield { name : 'idle' , error : null } ;
this . fetchTodos ( ) ;
} ) ;
machine . fetchTodos ( ) ;
import React from 'react' ;
import { connect } from 'stent/lib/react' ;
class TodoList extends React . Component {
render ( ) {
const { todos, error, isFetching, fetchTodos, deleteTodo, isAuthorized } = this . props ;
if ( isFetching ( ) ) return < p > Loading</ p > ;
if ( error ) return (
< div >
Error fetching todos: { error } < br />
< button onClick = { fetchTodos } > try again</ button >
</ div >
) ;
return (
< ul >
{ todos . map ( ( { text} ) => < li onClick = { deleteTodo } > { text } </ li > ) }
</ ul >
) ;
// `todos` and `authorization` are machines defined
// using `Machine.create` function
export default connect ( TodoList )
. with ( 'todos' , 'authorization' )
. map ( ( { state, isFetching, fetchTodos, deleteTodo } , { isAuthorized } ) => {
todos : state . todos ,
error : state . error ,
} ) ;
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