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feat: initial commit reworking flockers to support the krabmaga ecs-e…
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…xperiment branch (needs to be manually changed in the cargo.toml file currently).
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Carbonhell committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 5f67039 commit 6af702e
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Showing 3 changed files with 182 additions and 206 deletions.
204 changes: 170 additions & 34 deletions flockers/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
use crate::model::state::Flocker;
use std::time::Instant;

mod model;

// No visualization specific imports
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "visualization", feature = "visualization_wasm")))]
use {
krabmaga::engine::schedule::Schedule, krabmaga::engine::state::State, krabmaga::Info,
krabmaga::*, std::time::Duration,
use krabmaga::engine::{Entity, Query, Res};

Check failure on line 3 in flockers/src/

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GitHub Actions / Clippy visualization and mpi

unresolved imports `krabmaga::engine::Entity`, `krabmaga::engine::Query`, `krabmaga::engine::Res`
use krabmaga::engine::agent::Agent;
use krabmaga::engine::components::double_buffer::{DBRead, DBWrite};

Check failure on line 5 in flockers/src/

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GitHub Actions / Clippy visualization and mpi

failed to resolve: could not find `components` in `engine`
use krabmaga::engine::components::position::Real2DTranslation;

Check failure on line 6 in flockers/src/

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GitHub Actions / Clippy visualization and mpi

failed to resolve: could not find `components` in `engine`
use krabmaga::engine::fields::field_2d::{Field2D, toroidal_distance, toroidal_transform};
use krabmaga::engine::location::Real2D;
use krabmaga::engine::resources::engine_configuration::EngineConfiguration;

Check failure on line 9 in flockers/src/

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GitHub Actions / Clippy visualization and mpi

failed to resolve: could not find `resources` in `engine`
use krabmaga::engine::rng::RNG;

Check failure on line 10 in flockers/src/

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GitHub Actions / Clippy visualization and mpi

unresolved import `krabmaga::engine::rng`
use krabmaga::engine::simulation::Simulation;

Check failure on line 11 in flockers/src/

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Clippy visualization and mpi

unresolved import `krabmaga::engine::simulation`

// Visualization specific imports
#[cfg(any(feature = "visualization", feature = "visualization_wasm"))]
use {
crate::visualization::vis_state::VisState, krabmaga::bevy::prelude::Color,
use crate::model::bird::{Bird, LastReal2D};

#[cfg(any(feature = "visualization", feature = "visualization_wasm"))]
mod visualization;
mod model;

pub static COHESION: f32 = 0.8;
pub static AVOIDANCE: f32 = 1.0;
Expand All @@ -27,28 +22,169 @@ pub static MOMENTUM: f32 = 1.0;
pub static JUMP: f32 = 0.7;
pub static DISCRETIZATION: f32 = 10.0 / 1.5;
pub static TOROIDAL: bool = true;
pub static STEPS: u32 = 200;
pub static DIM_X: f32 = 800.;
pub static DIM_Y: f32 = 800.;
pub static NUM_AGENTS: u32 = 64000;
pub static SEED: u64 = 1337;

// Main used when only the simulation should run, without any visualization.
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "visualization", feature = "visualization_wasm")))]
fn main() {
let step = 200;
let mut simulation = build_simulation(Simulation::build().with_steps(STEPS));
let now = Instant::now();;
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Elapsed: {:.2?}, steps per second: {}", elapsed, STEPS as f64 / elapsed.as_secs_f64());

fn build_simulation(simulation: Simulation) -> Simulation {
let field: Field2D<Entity> = Field2D::new(DIM_X, DIM_Y, DISCRETIZATION, TOROIDAL);

let dim = (800., 800.);
let num_agents = 64000;
let state = Flocker::new(dim, num_agents);
let _ = simulate_old!(state, step, 1, Info::Normal);
//let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(325215252);
let mut simulation = simulation
.with_engine_configuration(EngineConfiguration::new(Real2D { x: DIM_X, y: DIM_Y }, SEED)); // TODO abstract
// TODO figure out how configs should work. Either split engine config and simulation config, requiring the latter to be registered, or...?
init_world(&mut simulation, field);


// Main used when a visualization feature is applied.
#[cfg(any(feature = "visualization", feature = "visualization_wasm"))]
fn main() {
let dim = (200., 200.);
let num_agents = 100;
let state = Flocker::new(dim, num_agents);
.with_window_dimensions(1000., 700.)
.with_simulation_dimensions(dim.0, dim.1)
.with_background_color(Color::rgb(0., 0., 0.))
.start::<VisState, Flocker>(VisState, state);
// TODO: remove this. The user should specify a bundle representing the agent (AgentBundle) with the component it requires.
// TODO: there needs to be a way to specify initialization logic too though.
// TODO: this bundle prototype must be passed to the simulation so that, along with NUM_AGENTS, the simulation
// TODO: can be programmatically restarted.
fn init_world(simulation: &mut Simulation, field: Field2D<Entity>) {
for bird_id in 0..NUM_AGENTS {
let mut rng = RNG::new(SEED, bird_id as u64);
let r1: f32 = rng.gen();
let r2: f32 = rng.gen();

let position = Real2D { x: DIM_X * r1, y: DIM_Y * r2 };
let current_pos = Real2DTranslation(position);

let mut agent = Agent::new(simulation);

.insert_data(Bird { id: bird_id })
.insert_double_buffered(LastReal2D::new(Real2D { x: 0., y: 0. }))


// TODO couple DBRead and DBWrite queries in a single systemparam
// TODO assume step systems will always query all the components added to an entity and make a systemparam grouping all of them automatically? Splitting up will hardly matter since inner parallelism with par queries will always be better
// TODO compare with 2024 flockers step code
fn step_system(mut query: Query<(Entity, &Bird, &DBRead<Real2DTranslation>, &DBRead<LastReal2D>, &mut DBWrite<Real2DTranslation>, &mut DBWrite<LastReal2D>)>,
neighbour_query: Query<(&Bird, &DBRead<Real2DTranslation>, &DBRead<LastReal2D>)>,
field_query: Query<&Field2D<Entity>>,
config: Res<EngineConfiguration>) {
let field = field_query.single();
println!("Step #{}", config.current_step);
query.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(entity, bird, cur_pos, last_pos, mut w_cur_pos, mut w_last_pos)| {
let cur_pos = cur_pos.0.0;
let last_pos = last_pos.0.0;
println!("Agent {}: ({}, {})",, cur_pos.x, cur_pos.y);
let mut neighbours = field.get_neighbors_within_relax_distance(cur_pos, 10.);
neighbours.retain(|ent| entity != *ent);
let mut rng = RNG::new(config.rand_seed, (config.current_step +;
let r1 = rng.gen() * 2. - 1.;
let r2 = rng.gen() * 2. - 1.;

let (mut x_avoidance, mut y_avoidance) = (0., 0.);
let (mut x_cohesion, mut y_cohesion) = (0., 0.);
let (mut x_consistency, mut y_consistency) = (0., 0.);
let (mut x_randomness, mut y_randomness) = (r1, r2);
let (x_momentum, y_momentum) = (last_pos.x, last_pos.y);
if !neighbours.is_empty() {
let mut count = 0;
let mut neigh = neighbour_query.iter_many(neighbours).collect::<Vec<_>>();
neigh.sort_by_key(|(bird, _, _)|;
for (_, elem_loc, last_elem_loc) in neigh {
let elem_loc = elem_loc.0.0;
let last_elem_loc = last_elem_loc.0.0;

let dx = toroidal_distance(cur_pos.x, elem_loc.x, DIM_X);//TODO unhardcode as global resource for dimensions
let dy = toroidal_distance(cur_pos.y, elem_loc.y, DIM_Y);
count += 1;

//avoidance calculation
let square = dx * dx + dy * dy;
x_avoidance += dx / (square * square + 1.0);
y_avoidance += dy / (square * square + 1.0);

//cohesion calculation
x_cohesion += dx;
y_cohesion += dy;

//consistency calculation
x_consistency += last_elem_loc.x;
y_consistency += last_elem_loc.y;
if count > 0 {
x_avoidance /= count as f32;
y_avoidance /= count as f32;
x_cohesion /= count as f32;
y_cohesion /= count as f32;
x_consistency /= count as f32;
y_consistency /= count as f32;

x_consistency /= count as f32;
y_consistency /= count as f32; // Old code did this division twice
// TODO the double division was needed to make flockers actually form groups, check if it's correct
let square = (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2).sqrt();

x_avoidance *= 400.;
y_avoidance *= 400.;
x_cohesion = -x_cohesion / 10.;
y_cohesion = -y_cohesion / 10.;
x_randomness = 0.05 * x_randomness / square;
y_randomness = 0.05 * y_randomness / square;
let mut dx = COHESION * x_cohesion
+ AVOIDANCE * x_avoidance
+ CONSISTENCY * x_consistency
+ RANDOMNESS * x_randomness
+ MOMENTUM * x_momentum;
let mut dy = COHESION * y_cohesion
+ AVOIDANCE * y_avoidance
+ CONSISTENCY * y_consistency
+ RANDOMNESS * y_randomness
+ MOMENTUM * y_momentum;

let dis = (dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt();
if dis > 0.0 {
dx = dx / dis * JUMP;
dy = dy / dis * JUMP;

let loc_x = toroidal_transform(cur_pos.x + dx, DIM_X);
let loc_y = toroidal_transform(cur_pos.y + dy, DIM_Y);

// TODO this is ugly, but if we unify read and write buffers we'll end up querying both all the time even when it's not needed
// TODO perhaps give the user a way to query only read or both read and write, and proxy methods accordingly
w_last_pos.0 = LastReal2D::new(Real2D { x: dx, y: dy });
w_cur_pos.0 = Real2DTranslation(Real2D { x: loc_x, y: loc_y });
// // Main used when a visualization feature is applied.
// #[cfg(any(feature = "visualization", feature = "visualization_wasm"))]
// fn main() {
// let dim = (200., 200.);
// let num_agents = 100;
// let state = Flocker::new(dim, num_agents);
// Visualization::default()
// .with_window_dimensions(1000., 700.)
// .with_simulation_dimensions(dim.0, dim.1)
// .with_background_color(Color::rgb(0., 0., 0.))
// .with_name("Flockers")
// .start::<VisState, Flocker>(VisState, state);
// }

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