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pppoe: a PPP-over-Ethernet redirector for pppd Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
Some inspiration from an earlier client by Luke Stras.
The MSS clamping was inspired by mssclampfw by Marc Boucher with acknowledgements to ( However, the actual MSS clamping code is original and is licensed under the GPL, unlike the original mssclampfw.
pppoe is a user-space redirector which permits the use of PPPoE (Point-to-Point Over Ethernet) with Linux. PPPoE is used by many DSL service providers.
Linux 2.2.9 or later on Intel, Sparc or PowerPC. It may work on Alpha, too -- anyone care to let me know?
Linux 2.0.36 or later.
FreeBSD, NetBSD or OpenBSD with BPF support, though this is old, unmaintained, and may no longer work.
pppd 2.3.10 or later. Versions 2.3.7 and later work unless you use demand-dialling. For demand dialling, you must use 2.3.10 or later.
If you're lucky, the "quickstart" method will work. After unpacking the archive, become root and type:
This should configure, compile and install the software and set up your DSL connection. You'll have to answer a few questions along the way.
If you want the GUI wrapper, type:
If ./go and ./go-gui didn't work, read the rest of this README.
Compile and install pppd if you don't already have it. Then:
$ tar xzvf rp-pppoe-xxx.tar.gz
Change to source directory:
$ cd src
$ ./configure
$ make
Install (this step must be done as root)
Now read doc/HOW-TO-CONNECT
-- David F. Skoll | Roaring Penguin Software Inc.