In this project, we reimagine CrimAnalyzer– a visualization assisted analytic tool for crimes in Sao Paulo– in the con- text of traffic accidents, ultimately producing Accident-Analyzer. In doing so, we explore the spatio-temporal patterns of traffic accidents across the United States from 2016 to 2021. The Accident-Analyzer system will allow users to identify local hotspots, visualize accident trends over time, and filter the data by key categories in real-time. Our goals in this project were to best recreate the analytic tool proposed in the CrimAnalyzer paper, as well as extend its capabilities to the US Accidents dataset, a collection of approximately 2.8 million car accidents covering 49 US states.
- Kyle Otstot (@kotstot6)
- Shreyash Gade (@shreyash1112)
- Jaswanth Reddy Tokala (@jaswanth1999)
- Anudeep Reddy Dasari (@anudeep-dasari)
- Hruthik Reddy Sunnapu (@hruthik-reddy)
- Nitesh Valluru (@vallurunitesh)
Client: D3.js (v7), Leaflet.js, Pyodide
Server: PHP, MySQL
A simple demonstration of the system can be found here.
Move to project directory, and clone the project
cd /path/to/project
git clone https://link-to-project
Download the CSV data here, and add it to the data directory of the project.
Install MySQL, and set the password for root. Add it to php/credentials.php
Then run MySQL on terminal. For example, the MacOS command would be
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -h localhost -u root -p --local_infile
Create a database with the following commands
CREATE DATABASE us_accidents_database;
USE us_accidents_database;
Create a table with the following command
CREATE TABLE us_accidents (
Timestamp datetime,
Year int,
Month int,
Day int,
Time_of_Day int,
Day_of_Week int,
Duration int,
Distance float,
County int,
State int,
Cloudy int,
Rain int,
Snow int,
Precipitation int,
Thunder int,
Visibility int
Then add the CSV data to the table
SET GLOBAL local_infile = true;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/to/project/data/us_accidents.csv'
INTO TABLE us_accidents
If successful, 2845341 rows should have been added.
Now install PHP and run the following commands
cd /path/to/project
php -S localhost:8080
Lastly, enter localhost:8080 into your browser (e.g., Chrome) and the visualization should appear.
Note: If MySQLi errors are given, make sure that (insert mysqli term) these two commands(extension=mysqli
and extension_dir="ext"
) are uncommented in the php.ini file. Furthermore, if the PHP execution times out, try adjusting (increase the max_execution_time
and max_input_time
) in the php.ini file. Also if you are using php 5.3 and above you may need to rename the 'php.ini-production' file to 'php.ini'
Garcıa, Germain and Silveira, Jaqueline and Poco, Jorge and Paiva, Afonso and Nery, Marcelo Batista and Silva, Claudio T. and Adorno, Sérgio and Nonato, Luis Gustavo, CrimAnalyzer: Understanding Crime Patterns in São Paulo. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021