This is a template to create presentations written in Markdown and compile them to HTML with reveal.js. It uses a style similar to the LaTex templates for the corpus linguistics group (Junicode font, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin logo and colors). Remember to follow the HU guidelines when using the logo.
Install Pandoc ( for converting the markdown files to HTML. You can optionally install pandoc-watch ( if you want to generate the slides in the background whenever the markdown file changes.
See the Pandoc documentation at for how to write Slides with Markdown.
You can
- execute pandoc manually on the command line,
- use the predefined VS Code tasks, or
- use
The command
will compile all markdown files (.md
) ending to HTML files with the same name.
You can remove the compiled HTML files with
make clean
To recompile the CSS after changing the reveal.js/css/theme/humboldt.scss
file execute
make css
The generated HTML files will compile fast, but need the whole repository (including the images, CSS and JavaScript) to work properly. To create a self-contained version, which only needs the HTML itfself, call
make self
This will be much slower, but the generated .self.html
file can be copied and
used independently of the rest of the files.
The resulting HTML file needs access to the reveal.js and mathjax folder. To generate a self-contained PDF,
open the presentation in Chrome or Chromium browser, append ?print-pdf
to the URL and print it as PDF with the browser.
Pandoc Markdown supports so-called “fenced divs” ( These blocks can have CSS classes assigned to them.
You can change the theme in the file reveal.js/css/theme/humboldt.scss
and re-compile the CSS to add new CSS styles.
Here is a list of already existing styles that you can use:
to center a text blockalert
for text that should be marked as extra importantsmall
alter the font-sizeunderline
creates underlined textcolumns
is a wrapper style around divs with the stylecolumn
to create columns, e.g.
:::::::::::::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="30%"}
*First column*
::: {.column width="70%"}
*Second column*