Note: Versions not listed are not released to the public and are not stable. All versions released are stable and tested from the release date.
- Removing Online Updates in menu.
- Improve Shadowsocks User Interface
- Improve Webmin Installation, updating latest Webmin installer without touching autoscript.
- Added L2TP / IPSec PSK and IKE2
- Added User Interface for L2TP / IPSec PSK and IKE2
- Removed Python Shadowsocks
- Added Shadowsocks Installer
- Shadowsocks Version: libev | shadowsocks-rust | go-shadowsocks2
- Plugins included: v2ray-plugin, xray-plugin and many more . . . `all credits to loyess'
- 1-tap installation of Shadowsocks with Xray Plugin, all credits to Min3 for detailed steps.
- Added Shadowsocks Menu (check your vps terminal and type: menu > 13)
- Upgrade V2ray installation to prevent not working issues experienced in version 2.4 and to prevent possible same effect in versions 2.5 through 2.7.
- Rainbow texts in the menu have been removed due to high CPU usage in some cases.
- Changes installation method so that old versions can be retained and can be installed.
- Resolved the issue where Openvpn Monitoring was not working in higher versions of Ubuntu(version20) and Debian(version11).
- Universal Installer
It will install a Project Fog stable version compatible with the OS and version of your VPS
- Fixed OCS Panel not working issue. This issue has been resolved.
- Fixed V2ray Panel not working issue. This issue has been resolved.
- Fixed not working commands in V2ray Menu.
- Fixed Apache2 occupying port 80.
- Fixed compatibility issues with Debian 11+
- Fixed compatibility issue with Ubuntu 20+
- Update Webmin from version:1.979 to version:1.984.
- Added Expiry Date and Data Limit option per V2ray config created
- Added "Change Username and Password" in V2ray Menu.
- Optimize Autoscript commands.
- OCS Panel error in creating account already fix.
- Add V2Ray UUID Manager | credits and created by PHC_JAYVEE
- OCS Panel error in Ubuntu 20 already fix.
- Fix stunnel editing error in Edit Port.
- Ensure Apache2 will be remove after installation | To make sure Port 80 and 443 are free.
- Fix bugs in Openvpn Monitoring.
- Bring back support for Ubuntu Distros.
- Fix bugs in OCS Panel.
- Fix No Menu in Vultr Hosting
- Added Built-in OCS Panel
- Added OpenVpn Monitoring Panel
- Added Generate, Revoke, Renewal Certificate for V2Ray TLS | Menu > Other
- Add New option in Main Menu [ Others ]
- One-tap Allow New port in IPTABLES [ V2Ray Panel not trigger my Auto allow for New port in IPTABLES ] so i made this.
- Option for TCP Speed Tweak can now On or OFF, see in Menu >> Others.
- Auto Reconnect move to Others.
- Installation Log included again
- Add Uninstaller [Remove all Project Fog Services and Files ], [Note: Only works in Project Fog ]
- Confusing Reboot Schedule due to wrong Timezone fix.
- Stunnel minor issues fix.
- Typo error in Edit Port fix.
- Add V2ray Panel
- Remake all commands and appearance.
- Fix tons of bugs!
- First release!