- Update version in
- Update
- Run tests:
npm run test
- Remove out directory:
rm -rf out
- Create package (.vsix file):
npm run package
- Ensure all files are there:
unzip -l fossil-#.#.#.vsix
. There should be FOUR .js files.
- Create a brunch
git switch --create $USER-release-#.#.#
- Make a commit 'release: #.#.#'
- Make a pull request
- "Merge and rebase" on a successful pull request
- Switch to
- Tag
git tag v#.#.# && git push origin $_
- Download .vsix file from github "Releases"*
- Upload it to https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage/publishers/koog1000
- Upload it to https://open-vsx.org/extension/koog1000/fossil
Storing tokens