"Artifical life" project.
- SFML-2.5.1
g++ -o gsquares.exe -static-libstdc++ -Wall -L[SFML_lib_dir] -I[SFM_include_dir] src/main.cpp src/headers/bot.cpp src/headers/field.cpp -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-main -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -lwinmm -lgdi32 -lopenal32
gcc -xc++ -lstdc++ -L[SFML_lib_dir] -I[SFML_include_dir] src/main.cpp src/headers/bot.cpp src/headers/field.cpp -lsfml-graphicws -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make all
- openal32.dll
- sfml-graphics-2.dll
- sfml-system-2.dll
- sfml-window-2.dll
Green - Alive and peaciful Red - Alive and aggressive Purple - Alive and infected Gray - DEAD Black - Nothing (Exists == false lmao)
Run programm with indicating sleep time in milliseconds ( ./gsquares [time_in_milliseconds]
Example: ./gsquares 100)
- Support, fixes