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@komplett/themed: SCSS-native themes made simple

@komplett/themed is a customizable SCSS utility to add theming to your website as easily and safely as possible. It also offers utility methods for javascript/typescript (and react via @komplett/react-themed).


This is in early development. Expect things to break and change before it hits 1.0.0

Visit our Documentation


  • 🔒 Type-checking themes for validity, checking all values exist etc.
  • 🌐 Produces nice SCSS AND CSS variables, so you can use all SCSS features with theming.
  • 🖌 Multi-theme: You can either use classic dark/light themes, or define as many as you want!
  • 🚀 Extra features like JS/TS methods for interactivity built in.
  • 🎭 Customizable: Adjust nearly every aspect of how you use themes.
  • 🌈 Prints human-readable errors when doing something wrong.
  • First class React support with @komplett/react-themed.


It's as easy as:

@use '@komplett/themed' as *;

// Define themes in a map
$themes: (
  'dark': (
    'text': #212529,
    'background': #fafafa,
    // ...
  'light': (
    'text': #fafafa,
    'background': #212529,
    // ...

// Register the themes. They will be checked for validity, uniformity etc.
@include themes($theme-map);

// Use the themed function to get type-checked theming!
body {
  color: themed('text');
  background-color: themed('background');

Using SCSS' meta package and error/type checking. you get nice error hints!

[sass] "'grey-29' is not defined in your themes."
22  │  background-color: themed("grey-29");
    │                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  src/styles/main.scss 22:21  root stylesheet


One way is to just copy the stuff in ./packages/themed/src/index.scss and put them into your app.

Alternatively, use npm install -D @komplett/themed and follow the example above, or look at one of the examples in the examples folder.


For react, install @komplett/react-themed and place a at the app level of your app. You can then use the useTheme hook to retrieve/update it. All utility methods are also exported from @komplett/react-themed/utils.


Q: Why not just use CSS variables?

  1. Using SCSS builtins like color.adjust and color.change will not work with CSS variables. If you need transparency, or want to generate shades of a color with SCSS, it's tough

  2. Ugly theme definitions. Defining all those variables in plain CSS is weird. You would probably use SCSS to define maps of themes anyways, and then convert them to SCSS variables.

Q: Can I use this with tailwind?

A: Probably not? Tailwind probably has it's own thing going on. This is as raw as SCSS gets.

Q: What dependencies does this have?

A: None, except for SCSS. We do suggest to use tools like Vite though, just to make your life a bit easier.

Q: And what about build tools, bundling and CSS output. Anything to be aware of?

A: Yes, good that you ask. We use global SCSS variables to keep track of the registered themes. Those SCSS variables are lexically scoped to modules, so you will only be able to use the "themed" function in the same scope. Meaning, if you want to use themed functions in multiple files, make sure that they all @use a file that defines the themes. See the vite-vanilla-extended or vite-react examples for this, they define a global.scss file. This is, of course, only needed on compile time. The CSS output will always be the same.


We use pnpm and pnpm workspaces to maintain themed. You must have PNPM installed. Clone the repo, install all packages with pnpm install and build them, for example using pnpm run build:watch in the root folder. You can also run the examples with, for example pnpm run example:vanilla. Any code change you now make should instantly be reflected (after a quick rebuild). Initially, you might see errors in the console, because the react and the vanilla package try to build in parallel.