A pinterest-style layout site, shows illusts on pixiv.net order by popularity. Written with React.
- react
- react-dom
- react-router
- mobx
- mobx-react-lite
- react-intl
- material-ui
- whatwg-fetch
- Pinterest-style layout illusts.
- Select tags.
- Search keywords order by popularity without pixiv Premium.
- Login in pixiv and add bookmarks easily.
# Start for development
$ git clone https://github.com/kokororin/pixiv.moe
$ cd pixiv.moe
$ yarn
$ npm start
- Install dependencies:
- Run Front-end Server:
npm start
- Test:
npm test
- Build Front-end:
npm run build
The API is based on HTTPS requests and JSON responses.
See more in API Docs.
docker build -t <customized-name> .
docker run -p <port>:80 -d <customized-name>
App will auto detect your browser language and use the localization. You can set language manually in drawer.
Help us if you can translate this app. Please follow the guide in src/locale
Feel free to contribute (PR-s and issues welcomed).
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
そら 💻 📖 🎨 |
吟夢ちゃん 💻 🤔 |
simon3000 💻 🤔 🌍 |
Muhammad Iqbal Rifai 🌍 |
Meodinger Wang 🌍 |
Kao 🌍 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!