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in silico mutagenesis
- 4-step in silico mutagenesis
- Input file of MENTR
- Output files from MENTR
- Additional resources for interpretation
This is an alternative way to 1-step in silico mutagenesis.
If you do not require computational speed, I recommend using the simple way.
If you want to change MENTR parameters – or customize scripts appropriate for your environment –, please utilize the below four shell scripts instead of the 1-step script: bin/quick.mutgen.sh
All scripts have a help file (please check by bin/aaa.sh -h
This script only uses a CPU core
If you can use many CPU cores (e.g., GNU parallel or some job scheduler),
please modify the last for-loop of src/insilico_mutgen_make_closest_gene_prospective.sh
that is referred from the following shell script.
bash bin/01.get.pairs.sh -i ${in_f} -o ${cmn_dir}
Maybe you do not have to customize this script
bash bin/02.collect.inputs.sh -o ${cmn_dir}
If you want to parallelize GPU computation, please modify the last for-loop of src/sh/insilico_mutgen_run.sh
that is referred from the following shell script.
bash bin/03.run.mutgen.sh -o ${cmn_dir} -m ${deepsea} -f ${hg19_fa}
Maybe you do not have to customize this script
bash bin/04.post.mutgen.sh -o ${cmn_dir}
TSV file with: col1: Chromosome number col2: Position (hg19) col3: Reference allele (hg19) col4: Alternate allele (hg19)
Default parameter setting assumes no header. See example file (./resources/example/input.txt.gz)
If you want to analyze multiallelic sites, please split them into multiple rows. For col3 and col4, SNVs and short InDels are acceptable.
The following files are made for each CAGE ID.
- col1: CHR
- col2: POS
- col3: REF
- col4: ALT
- col1: Variant_CHR
- col2: Variant_POS - 1
- col3: Variant_POS
- col4: TSS_CHR
- col5: TSS_POS - 1
- col6: TSS_POS
- col7; strand (MENTR do not require this for training and running in silico mutagenesis)
- col8: CAGE_ID
- col9: distance (TSS - Variant)
The pairs (${CAGE_ID}.txt.gz
and ${CAGE_ID}.closestgene.gz)
are required for running MENTR.
- This step requires much time, but if you can use many CPUs and change the shell script
a little (by GNU parallel, apply JOB scheduler, etc.), you can save your time very much. - This step's speed strongly depends on your I/O.
Output files are:
[CAGE cluster ID]_{diff/refs/alts}.txt.gz
- diff: mutation effect (Δprobability; abs(Δprobability)≧0.1 is robust and abs(Δprobability)≧0.05 is permissive)
- refs: expression probability (REF allele, hg19)
- alts: expression probability (ALT allele)
Each file has ...
- index: row index
- CHR: chromosome number
- POS: position (hg19)
- REF: reference allele
- ALT: alternative allele (effect allele of insilico mutagenesis)
- dist: distance between POS and CAGE peak position (from closest-features software)
- gene (Unique name of CAGE cluster)
- strand (strand of CAGE cluster; enhancer -> N)
- ref_matched (if REF is truely reference allele in hg19, return True; if it is False, please refrain from using the record, because it is not accurate estimates due to complex analysis conditions.)
- CL:0000034 ... LCL154 (ML models, 347 F5 ontology + LCL) -> values of [diff/refs/alts]
You can get all_qcd_res.txt.gz
, whose header is the same with each file.
Correspondence tables for sample ID and CAGE ID are available from FANTOM5 website:
- Sample ID information (supp_table_10.sample_ontology_information.tsv) is available in https://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/5/suppl/Hon_et_al_2016/data/supp_table/ (Hon et al., Nature 2017)
- CAGE ID information (F5.cage_cluster.hg19.info.tsv, made by Chung Chau HON) is available in the