- Make sure that the ‘adb’ on home’s machine is on version 1.0.41 or higher
- Setup Android SDK
- Make sure Visual Studio is on version 8.7.8 or higher
Step 1: Download the plugin mpack file.
Step 2: Open Visual Studio, click on Visual Studio > Extensions, click Install from file to upload the plugin.
Step 3: Restart Visual Studio
Step 4: Open Kobiton ADB Tunnel plugin in Tools/Kobiton ADB Tunnel.
Step 5: Input Server Address, Email, APIKey then select “Connect” button to verify account. This is one time input if you do not sign out.
- Server Address: api server
- Email: your login email
- ApiKey: in Settings/API Keys on the Kobiton portal
Step 6: Launch a device in the device list via iframe (only devices in ‘Private’ tab supports ADB tunnel)
Step 7: Input the Session ID to Kobiton ADB Tunnel dialog on IDE, then click the “Connect” button to connect to the device
Step 8: Start debugging Note: The global path environment for ADB command is set by default in Mac but you can change it by go to Preference > Projects > SDK Locations > Android