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A short demo on instrumenting a Rust micro-service with OpenTelemetry for tracing with Grafana/Tempo


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This is a short demo of two instrumeneted Rust toy-microservices, sending traces to Tempo with the OTLP protocol, and using the Jaeger propagation format

Running the Demo services

Make sure all files in the conf directory are world readable

chmod 0644 ./conf/*

Then start all docker containers

docker compose up --abort-on-container-exit --build --force-recreate [--timestamps]

Quick Demo

  • You can start by visiting the un-instrumented microservice 1 at http://uservice1.localhost/ in a browser and watch the docker compose logs for the call to uservice2. Before forwarding the HTTP request to microservice 1, Traefik adds a uber-trace-id header. You can observe this in docker compose logs

    grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice1-1   | Request: {
    grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice1-1   |     "host": "uservice1.localhost",
    grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice1-1   |     ...
    grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice1-1   |     "uber-trace-id": "5737c004a641f5eb:1f1e2d6167105390:5737c004a641f5eb:1",
    grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice1-1   |     ...
    grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice1-1   | }

    You will notice that the request takes anywhere from ~1100 milliseconds to ~2200 milliseconds. Also, note that the operator, without examining log timestamps, has no way of knowing which part of the internal flow delayed the response to the caller

  • You can continue by visiting the instrumented microservice 3 at http://uservice3.localhost/ in a browser and watch the docker compose logs for the call to uservice4 as well as the uber-trace-id headers. You can now visit Grafana -> Explore -> Tempo -> Search and search for the Trace that was generated. You can explore the Trace's spans in the right Tempo pane. Note that, by looking at the span information you can deduce how long each of the mock calls to Redis and the Database took


Infra services configuration (Grafana/Prometheus/Tempo/Traefik)

These services comprise the infra part of this demo and we won't go into their detailed configuration in this document, except for a few key points

  • Tempo has OTLP and Jaeger listeners configured in conf/tempo.yaml

        otlp:    # for microservices
        jaeger:  # for Traefik
  • Traefik is configured to generate spans and forward them to Tempo in docker-compose.yaml

          - "--tracing.jaeger=true"
          - "--tracing.jaeger.collector.endpoint=http://tempo:14268/api/traces?format=jaeger.thrift"


  1. uservice1

    uservice1 waits for an incoming HTTP request. Upon receipt it prints the request details, runs a mock redis command lasting 100-199 milliseconds and calls uservice2. It then prints uservice2's response and responds to the caller with the contents of uservice1/hello-world.html

  2. uservice2

    uservice2 waits for an incoming HTTP request. Upon receipt it prints the request details, does a mock database query lasting 1000-1999 milliseconds and then responds to the caller with the contents of uservice2/hello-world.html

  3. uservice3

    uservice3 3 is the same as microservice 1 with some example instrumentation added

    1. main()

      let resources =
          .merge(&Resource::new(vec![opentelemetry::KeyValue::new("", "uservice3")]));

      opentelemetry::global::set_text_map_propagator(opentelemetry_jaeger::Propagator::default()) is setting up Jaeger native propagation format. This is used later to extract the uber-trace-id HTTP header from incoming requests and initialize a tracing context

      let parent_cx = opentelemetry::global::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| {

      and also inject a tracing context via the same HTTP header to outgoing requests

      opentelemetry::global::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| {
          propagator.inject_context(&cx, &mut HeaderInjector(req.headers_mut().unwrap()))

      OsResourceDetector.detect(std::time::Duration::from_secs(0)) adds a os.type=linux resource to generated spans

      Similarly ProcessResourceDetector.detect(std::time::Duration::from_secs(0))) adds process.command_args and resources. These can be used in the Tempo query to filter traces as shown in the screenshot above Resource::new(vec![opentelemetry::KeyValue::new("", "uservice3")]) sets the microservice name displayed by Tempo

      opentelemetry_otlp::new_pipeline() sets up Opentelemetry to forward spans via the OTLP protocol to Tempo. Tempo's address is determined via the - OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT=http://tempo:4317 environment variable, defined in docker-compose.yaml. There is also an opentelemetry::sdk::export::trace::stdout example, to aid with debugging, that writes spans to stdout instead of sending them to Tempo.

      with_trace_config() sets some properties of the generated spans suitable for this demo, which may or may not be useful in a production environment. Specifically, .with_id_generator(opentelemetry::sdk::trace::RandomIdGenerator::default()) sets up a random ID generator for the spans, and .with_sampler(opentelemetry::sdk::trace::Sampler::AlwaysOn) ensures that all generated spans are send to Tempo (no sampling). Finally, install_simple() makes OpenTelemetry ship spans to Tempo, one-by-one as generated and should not be used in production environments. For production environments, install_batch() ought to be more appropriate

      Some more options can be found in Kitchen Sink Full Configuration

    2. handle_incoming_call()

      Incoming requests are handled by async fn handle_incoming_call(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {

      async fn handle_incoming_call(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
        let parent_cx = opentelemetry::global::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| {
        let tracer = opentelemetry::global::tracer("uservice3");
        let span = tracer
            .start_with_context(&tracer, &parent_cx);
        let cx = Context::current_with_span(span);
        println!("Request: {:#?}", req.headers());

      The code here extracts a context from the incoming HTTP request. This is needed so that the new span created here (kind: Server) is a child span of Traefik's Client span (OpenTelemetry - SpanKind explains the different kinds of spans). This is what allows Tempo to determine that both Traefik's span and uservice3's span are part of a single trace and display them nested

      Looking at the stdout tracer's output mentioned above, may help you understand this more clearly

      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   | SpanData {
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |     span_context: SpanContext {
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |         trace_id: 0000000000000000771a728620b4bd35,
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |         span_id: 7f8daf512c6da6da,
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |         ...
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |     },
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |     parent_span_id: 36996754408fb4a8,
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |     span_kind: Server,
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   |     ...
      grafana-tempo-rust-demo-uservice3-1   | }
          "Request decoded!",
          vec![opentelemetry::KeyValue::new("happened", true)],

      cx.span().add_event() adds an event within the span

          .set_status(opentelemetry::trace::Status::error("no error"));

      cx.span().set_status() sets the span's status


      Finally, call_redis() is called and the current context is passed on, so that any new spans will be created as children of the current one. More details about this can be found in OpenTelemetry - async active spans. Upon completion of the handle_incoming_call the span is `end()~ed

    3. call_redis()

      async fn call_redis() {
          let tracer = opentelemetry::global::tracer("uservice3");
          let span = tracer
          let cx = Context::current_with_span(span);
              .set_attribute(KeyValue::new("test-attribute-1", "test-values-1"));
          // mock redis call lasting 100-199 ms

      call_redis() creates a child span sets an example attribute and passes the context to call_other_uservice()

    4. call_other_uservice()

      call_other_uservice() works similarly to the above, with the addition that it injects the current context in the HTTP headers of the call to uservice4 with this code

      opentelemetry::global::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| {
          propagator.inject_context(&cx, &mut HeaderInjector(req.headers_mut().unwrap()))
  4. uservice4

    uservice4 is the same as uservice2 with some example instrumentation added, similarly to uservice3


Link to docker compose services



A short demo on instrumenting a Rust micro-service with OpenTelemetry for tracing with Grafana/Tempo





