Manuscript: Bordin et al. 2023 - No relationship between biodiversity and forest carbon sink across the subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest at journal Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
Codes from the data analysis and figures
The R scripts
folder contains:
- Scripts from the data analysis and figures preparation
1.1 data_analysis.R - script to analyse the data
1.2 figures.R - script to prepare figures 2a and 2b
The Data
folder contains:
- Processed data from 55 forest communities
2.1 data.txt - txt. file containing data 55 forest communities
2.1.1 data.txt contains the following data
PlotCode: plot name
ForestAge: categories of fores age, i.e.: 15-25, 26-50 or >50 years
PlotArea: Original sampled area (in hectares)
CensusInterval: census interval, in years
Latitude: Latitude in decimal degrees
Longitude: Longitude in decimal degrees
Weight: plot+census interval weight (see the paper for details)
AGC: Above-ground Carbon Stocks (Mg/ha) across all forest communities
AGWP: Above-ground Wood Carbon Productivity (Mg/ha/yr) across forest communities
Mortality: Carbon loss through mortality (Mg/ha/yr) across forest communtiies
NetCarbonChange: The balance between AGWP and Mortality across forest communities
TaxDiv: Taxonomic diversity
FD: Functional diversity
PD: Phylogenetic diversity
Code developed and tested using the R statistical software, R version 4.1.1 (R Development Core Team, 2021).
R Core Team (2021). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL