On March 9th 2020, Amazon deprecated Product Advertising Version 4 and required all clients migrate to Product Advertising API 5. Accordingly, any version of this library < 0.3.0 will fail and you should upgrade immediately.
Add your AWS authentication credentials to config/config.exs
Hex: https://hex.pm/packages/amazon_product_advertising_client
# in your mix.exs
{:amazon_product_advertising_client, "~> 0.3.0"}
# in your config/config.exs
config :amazon_product_advertising_client,
associate_tag: "YourAssociateTag",
access_key_id: "YourAccessKeyID",
access_secret_key: "YourSecretAccessKey",
host: "webservices.amazon.ca" # optional, default is webservices.amazon.com
region: "us-east-1" # optional, default is "us-east-1"
Both of the functions return an %HTTPoison.Response{} struct. This Amazon API responds with XML, so you will most likely want to parse the body using a library such as SweetXml.
Create a search params struct and execute the search, for example:
alias AmazonProductAdvertisingClient.ItemSearch
def search_for_item do
%ItemSearch{"MaximumPrice": "25", "Keywords": "long sleeve shirt"} |> ItemSearch.execute
alias AmazonProductAdvertisingClient.ItemLookup
# e.g. an ISBN of 9781680502992
def lookup_book_by_isbn(isbn) do
IdType: "ISBN",
ItemId: isbn,
SearchIndex: "Books"}
|> ItemLookup.execute()
# Modules needed.
alias AmazonProductAdvertisingClient.ItemLookup
import SweetXml
# Returns a map with 'title' and 'detail_page_url' keys
def lookup_book_info(isbn) do
lookup_struct =
IdType: "ISBN",
ItemId: isbn,
SearchIndex: "Books"}
case ItemLookup.execute(lookup_struct) do
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body}} ->
body |> parse_xml_body()
# The XML response from Amazon is voluminous. There are many fields to retrieve,
# for this example we pull the book's title and Amazon URL.
def parse_xml_body(body) do
|> SweetXml.xmap(
title: ~x"//ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/ItemAttributes/Title/text()",
detail_page_url: ~x"//ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/DetailPageURL/text()",