This is a sample UpdateCaseParams for Travel Hotel sector with all the parameters it admits.
use Kloutit\Model\UpdateCaseParams;
use Kloutit\Model\CaseSector;
use Kloutit\Model\Currencies;
$kloutitCase = new UpdateCaseParams([
'sector' => CaseSector::TRAVEL_HOTEL,
'filialIdentifier' => 'B12345678', // If you do not have filials in your organization, leave this field empty
'transactionDate' => (new DateTime())->format(DateTime::ATOM), // UTC date
'bankName' => 'Sample bank',
'cardBrand' => 'Sample card brand',
'last4Digits' => '1234',
'is3DSPurchase' => true,
'purchaseDate' => (new DateTime())->format(DateTime::ATOM), // UTC date
'purchaseAmount' => [
'currency' => Currencies::EUR,
'value' => 10
'isChargeRefundable' => true,
'customerName' => 'Node SDK sample',
'customerEmail' => '',
'customerPhone' => '612345678',
'additionalInfo' => 'Some optional additional info',
'communications' => [
'sender' => 'Sender name',
'content' => 'Communication content',
'date' => (new DateTime())->format(DateTime::ATOM), // UTC date
'service' => 'Sample service',
'checkinDate' => '2024-09-22T11:31:22.347Z',
'checkoutDate' => '2024-09-22T11:31:22.347Z',
'hotelName' => 'Sample hotel',
'rate' => 'Sample rate',
'checkinConfirmation' => true,
'destinationCountry' => 'Spain',