Competency Questions for Assessing VSSo
What are the attributes of this car and what do they express?
SELECT ?attribute ?branch ?value
WHERE { ?attribute rdfs:subPropertyOf vsso:attribute.
?branch ?attribute ?value .}
How many attributes does this car have?
SELECT (count(distinct ?attribute) as ?nbAttribute)
WHERE {?attribute rdfs:subPropertyOf vsso:attribute.}
What is the model of this car?
SELECT ?model
WHERE { ?branch vsso:model ?model.}
What is the brand of this car?
SELECT ?brand
WHERE { ?branch vsso:brand ?brand.}
What is the VIN of this car?
WHERE { ?branch vsso:vin ?vin.}
WHERE { ?branch vsso:year ?year.
BIND((2018-?year ) AS ?age )}
What are the dimensions of this car?
SELECT ?length ?width ?height
WHERE { ?branch vsso:length ?length;
vsso:width ?width ;
vsso:height ?height .}
What are the characteristics of this car's chassis?
SELECT ?attribute ?value
WHERE { ?attribute rdfs:subPropertyOf vsso:attribute.
?chassis a vsso:Chassis;
?attribute ?value .}
What type of fuel does this car need?
SELECT ?fueltype
WHERE {?branch vsso:fuelType ?fuelType.}
What type of transmission does this car have?
SELECT ?type
WHERE { ?branch vsso:transmissionType ?type.}
What are the characteristics of this engine?
SELECT ?engine ?attribute ?value
WHERE { ?attribute rdfs:subPropertyOf vsso:attribute.
?engine a vsso:InternalCombustionEngine;
?attribute ?value .}
How many doors does this car contain?
SELECT ?nbDoor
WHERE { ?branch vsso:doorCount ?nbDoor.}
How many seats do I have this my car?
SELECT ?nbSeats ?nbRows
WHERE { ?seats a vsso:Seat;
vsso:rowCount ?nbRows ;
vsso:row1PosCount ?row1Count ;
vsso:row2PosCount ?row2Count ;
vsso:row3PosCount ?row3Count ;
vsso:row4PosCount ?row4Count ;
vsso:row5PosCount ?row5Count .
BIND((?row1Count + ?row2Count + ?row3Count + ?row4Count + ?row5Count ) AS ?nbSeats )}
On which side is located the steering wheel?
SELECT ?steeringWheelSide
WHERE { ?wheel a vsso:SteeringWheel;
vsso:steeringWheelSide ?steeringWheelSide .}
Is there a signal measuring the steering wheel angle?
SELECT ?signal
WHERE { ?signal a vsso:SteeringWheelAngle.}
Which signals are controllable?
SELECT ?signal ?actuator
WHERE { ?actuator vsso:consumes ?signal.
?signal a vsso:ActuatableSignal.}
Which signals are both observable and actuatable?
SELECT ?signal ?sensor ?actuator
WHERE { ?actuator vsso:consumes ?signal.
?sensor sosa:observes ?signal .
?signal a vsso:ActuatableSignal, vsso:ObservableSignal.}
How many sensors does this car contain?
SELECT (count(distinct ?sensor) as ?nbSensor)
WHERE { ?sensor sosa:observes ?signal.
?signal a vsso:ObservableSignal.}
How many different speedometers does this car contain?
SELECT (count(distinct ?sensor) as ?nbSpeedSensors)
WHERE { ?sensor a vsso:Speedometer.}
In which part of this car is produced the signal vsso:LongitudinalAcceleration?
SELECT ?branch ?branchType
WHERE { ?branch a ?branchType;
vsso:hasSignal ?signal .
?signal a vsso:LongitudinalAcceleration.
Which signals measure a temperature, and in which part of this car?
SELECT ?signal ?branch
WHERE { ?branch vsso:hasSignal ?signal.
?signal a vsso:AmbientAirTemperature.
What unit type does the signals of type vsso:VehicleYaw use?
SELECT ?signal ?unitsystem
WHERE { ?signal a vsso:VehicleYaw;
qudt:unit ?unitsystem .}
What are the characteristics of the sensor producing the signal “TravelledDistance” in the OBD branch?
SELECT ?sensor ?p ?o
WHERE { ?sensor a ?sensor;
vsso:observes ?signal ;
?p ?o .
?signal a vsso:TravelledDistance.}
What are the maximum values allowed for all signals from car part “Vehicle”?
What is the current gear?
SELECT ?signal ?result ?time
WHERE {?signal a vsso:CurrentGear.
?obs a sosa:Observation;
sosa:observedProperty ?signal ;
sosa:hasSimpleResult ?result ;
sosa:phenomenonTime ?time .
ORDER BY DESC (?time )
What are the values of all signals representing the speed of this car now?
SELECT ?signal ?result ?time
WHERE {?signal a vsso:VehicleSpeed.
?obs a sosa:Observation;
sosa:observedProperty ?signal ;
sosa:hasSimpleResult ?result ;
sosa:phenomenonTime ?time .
ORDER BY DESC (?time )
Which windows are currently open?
SELECT ?position ?value ?time
WHERE {?signal a vsso:WindowPosition.
?window vsso:hasSignal ?signal .
?obs a sosa:Observation;
sosa:observedProperty ?signal ;
sosa:hasSimpleResult ?value ;
sosa:phenomenonTime ?time .
?window vsso:position ?position .
ORDER BY DESC (?time )
What is the local current temperature on the driver side?
SELECT DISTINCT ?localTemperature ?value ?position ?time
WHERE { ?wheel a vsso:SteeringWheel;
vsso:steeringWheelSide ?steeringWheelSide .
?branch a vsso:LocalHVAC;
vsso:position ?position ;
vsso:hasSignal ?localTemperature .
?localTemperature a vsso:LocalTemperature.
FILTER regex(str(?steeringWheelSide ),str(?position ))
?obs a sosa:Observation;
sosa:observedProperty ?localTemperature ;
sosa:hasSimpleResult ?value ;
sosa:phenomenonTime ?time .
ORDER BY DESC (?time )