- init py, ui and wasm
- copy pi_digits.py
- add Madhava Python impl
- devcontainer.json and associated scripts
- create pi_digits.gosper wasm module - generalize design as much as possible
- add pi_digits.sinha_saha wasm stub
- create web app for visualization
- prepare app skeleton
- Create PiCanvas component
- Integrate pi_digits.wasm
- Create PiDigits view for baseline
- Create PiDigitsDiff view to compare baseline and Gosper
- Resolve zig export issue by simplifying build.zig to just wasm output - but this breaks tests ... see separate task
- Move the logic in pi-canvas.tsx:setPiImageData to build up the imageData to pi_wasm
- Chase down the problems with alloc / free - put the UTF-8/UTF-16 string logging example back into pi-digits.loader.js
- Add Random pi algorithm that provides 1,000,000 random digits to provide some more test data for the compare screen
- Make tests work again
- document wasmtime dependency and -Dwasi & -fwasmtime options to run tests
- Add histogram page - select algo: baseline, gosper and sinha_saha, random, ten_digits
- add Sinha / Saha Python impl
- generate zig source module
- [-]
add SinhaSaha λ = 10 to 100 to PiAlogorithms - the value of λ is tighly coupled to the number of terms and precision - no good way to do this easily - finalize wasm module(s) and/or component(s) needed
- [-]
test deploy to Raspberry Pi 4b - ENABLE_TESTS=0 must be set in compose.yml - especially for zigbuild; wasmtime is only available for x86_64
- show digits with input from different PiAlgorithms
- [-]
select different values for λ (lambda) parameter - paper says 10 to 100; but is that the correct range for million digits of pi? this Numberphiles video show values of λ < 10 are more likely to closely approximate pi.
- [-]
- show histogram with 1_000_000 digits for supported formulae
- [-]
for Sinha / Saha series with different values for λ (lambda) parameter
- [-]
- show comparison of digit accuracy - what should be the source of truth? see pi1000000.txt as baseline
- pct match in console.log
- pct match on comparison screen
- python 3.13 - pdm
- solidjs - vite
- wasm - zig 0.14.0
- devcontainers
- rely on devcontainers build
| UI | <-- solidjs
| \
v +-> Canvas to visualize digits and digit diffs - 1000 px x 1000 px square (1_000_000 pixels)
|WASM| <-- built from zig
- use python to generate digits of pi as static zig source module(s) - commit source modules
This build step is to run tests only. The code is used to pre-generate zig source files.
# pre-generate these - gosper takes ~3 hrs to generate 1_000_000 digits!
# pdm run python -m pi_py.pi_1000000 pi_wasm/src/pi_1000000.zig
# pdm run python -m pi_py.pi_digits pi_wasm/src/pi_digits/pi_bbp.zig bbp 1_000_000
# pdm run python -m pi_py.pi_digits pi_wasm/src/pi_digits/pi_bellard.zig bellard 1_000_000 350_000
# pdm run python -m pi_py.pi_digits pi_wasm/src/pi_gosper.zig gosper
# pdm run python -m pi_py.pi_digits pi_wasm/src/pi_digits/pi_sinha_saha.zig sinha_saha 711 5_000
- python - generate pi_1000000.zig from pi1000000.txt (baseline) - []u8
- python - generate pi_bbp.zig - []u8
- python - generate pi_bellard.zig - []u8
- python - generate pi_gosper.zig - []u8
- python - generate pi_sinha_saha.zig - []u8
- zig build to wasm
- vite build of solidjs
- pythonbuild and zigbuild logs
- wasm reference(s)