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619 lines (521 loc) · 42.2 KB
Description of endpoints used to construct NFT Transactions on the DeSo blockchain

NFT Transactions API

Create NFT

POST /api/v0/create-nft

Create a create NFT transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

Create NFT transactions mints the post specified by NFTPostHashHex as an NFT.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Create NFT
- Use CreateNFT to mint a post as an NFT

Request Body

Name Type Description
NFTRoyaltyToCoinBasisPoints* int Percentage (specified in basis points) of each sale that should be added to the DeSo locked on the post creator's coin
NFTRoyaltyToCreatorBasisPoints* int Percentage (specified in basis points) of each sale that should be taken as a royalty to the creator of the post
TransactionFees TransactionFee[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

HasUnlockable* Boolean When true, owner must provide unlockable text when selling this NFT
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user creating the NFT
IsForSale* Boolean When true, put all serial numbers on sale
MinBidAmountNanos int Minimum bid amount allowed for all serial numbers
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the Post being minted as an NFT
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
NumCopies* int Number of copies to mint
IsBuyNow Boolean If IsForSale is false, this field is ignored. If IsBuyNow is true and IsForSale is true, all serial numbers will be put on sale and can be purchased outright at BuyNowPriceNanos. Please note that at this time, you cannot make an NFT contain an unlockable and set IsBuyNow to true.
BuyNowPriceNanos uint64 The price at which another user can purchase this NFT without requiring an accept NFT bid transaction from the NFT owner
AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap map[string]uint64 A map of public key to basis points. Each public key specified will receive a royalty of each sale paid directly to their DeSo wallet. If a public key is mapped to 100 basis points, they will receive 1% of all sales.
AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap map[string]uint64 A map of public key to basis points. Each public key specified will have a percentage of each sale added to the amount of DESO locked in their profile's creator coin. If a public key is mapped to 100 basis points, their creator coin will have 1% of the sale price added to the DESO locked.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed a Create NFT transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of post being minted as NFT
  "TotalInputNanos": 989250441,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 989250210,
  "FeeNanos": 231,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 0
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
        "AmountNanos": 989250210
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of the Post Hash that is being minted as an NFT
      "NumCopies": 1, // Number of copies of this NFT. Each has a unique serial number.
      "HasUnlockable": false, // If true, this post contains unlockable content that the seller must provide and encrypt when selling this NFT
      "IsForSale": true, // If true, bids can be submitted for any serial number of this NFT. If false, bids are not currently allowed for any serial number of this NFT.
      "MinBidAmountNanos": 106951871, // Minimum amount of DeSo (in nanos) that can be bid for any serial number.
      "NFTRoyaltyToCreatorBasisPoints": 500, // Percentage in basis points of NFT sales that will go to the creator
      "NFTRoyaltyToCoinBasisPoints": 1000 // Percentage in basis points of NFT sales that will be added to the amount locked in the NFT creator's coin
    "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
    "ExtraData": {
      "BuyNowPriceNanos": "gIzuiRo=", // Buy Now Price in DESO nanos
      "CoinRoyaltiesMap": "AQKqPcjSmeoeSRTeZklO0+Fu2poNZXGdUjwamgPL+fYMRWQ=", // Map of public key to basis points representing royalties paid as DESO locked in creator coins
      "DESORoyaltiesMap": "AQI5exqA66CmBkRlCvE8Km/9+784gwyvw0k3p13dRLjOUvQD"// Map of public key to basis points representing royalties paid in DESO
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 15
  "TransactionHex": "0167f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0000102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c45a285dbd7030f2b67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0010001bfe9ff32f403e8072102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c450000"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Update NFT

POST /api/v0/update-nft

Create an update NFT transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

Update NFT transactions can put a given serial number on sale or take it off sale or update the minimum bid amount.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Update NFT
- Use UpdateNFT to put an NFT on sale
- Use UpdateNFT to close the auction on an NFT without selling

Request Body

Name Type Description
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user creating the NFT
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the NFT Post being updated
SerialNumber* int serial number to update
IsForSale* Boolean When true, put this serial number on sale
MinBidAmountNanos* int Minimum bid amount allowed for this serial number
MinFeeRteNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFee[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

IsBuyNow Boolean If IsForSale is false, this field is ignored. If IsBuyNow is true and IsForSale is true, all serial numbers will be put on sale and can be purchased outright at BuyNowPriceNanos. Please note that at this time, you cannot make an NFT contain an unlockable and set IsBuyNow to true.
BuyNowPriceNanos uint64 The price at which another user can purchase this NFT without requiring an accept NFT bid transaction from the NFT owner

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed an Update NFT transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of NFT post being updated
  "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number of NFT post that is being updated
  "TotalInputNanos": 989249984,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 989249757,
  "FeeNanos": 227,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 0
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
        "AmountNanos": 989249757
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of Post Hash being updated in this transaction
      "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number of NFT post being updated in this transaction
      "IsForSale": true, // If true, the NFT will now be on sale. If false, the NFT will NOT be on sale
      "MinBidAmountNanos": 1000000000 // The minimum bid amount allowed on this NFT
    "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
    "ExtraData": {
      "BuyNowPriceNanos": "gMivoCU=" // Buy Now prices in DESO nanos
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 16
  "TransactionHex": "01eef1a4195e53cfaa4804443c2969525494ee9511c840f9f711f5c87d9449f2b5000102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c45dd81dbd703102767f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c001018094ebdc032102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c450000"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Create NFT Bid

POST /api/v0/create-nft-bid

Create an NFT bid transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

NFT Bid transactions submit a bid on an NFT. If the owner of the NFT accepts this bid - by submitting an Accept NFT Bid transaction - the bidder will send the bid amount to the owner and in return receive the NFT.

If you submit a bid on the same serial number NFT post combination, it will overwrite your previous bid. Submitting a bid with 0 as BidAmountNanos will withdraw your bid.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Create NFT Bid
- Use CreateNFTBid to submit a bid for an NFT

Request Body

Name Type Description
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user submitting the bid
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the NFT Post being bid on
SerialNumber* int serial number to bid on
BidAmountNanos* int Amount UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check is bidding on this serial number
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFee]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed an NFT Bid transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Public key of user submitting bid in this transaction
  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of the NFT post being bid on
  "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being bid on
  "BidAmountNanos": 1000000000, // Amount bid in DeSo nanos
  "TotalInputNanos": 49578,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 49352,
  "FeeNanos": 226,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 0
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
        "AmountNanos": 49352
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of Post Hash that is being bid on
      "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being bid on
      "BidAmountNanos": 1000000000 // Amount bid in DeSo nanos
    "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
    "ExtraData": null,
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 18

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Accept NFT Bid

POST /api/v0/accept-nft-bid

Create an accept NFT Bid transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

Accept NFT Bid transactions accepts a bid, divides the proceeds of the bid amount among the owner, creator, and creator coin based on royalties, and updates the owner of the NFT to be the bidder selected.

Note that if you are selling an NFT that has unlockable content, you must encrypt the unlockable content and provide it.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Accept NFT Bid including encrypting unlockable content if applicable
- Use AcceptNFTBid to sell an NFT without unlockable content
- Use AcceptNFTBid to sell an NFT with unlockable content

Request Body

Name Type Description
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the current NFT Owner
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the NFT Post being sold
SerialNumber* int serial number to being sold
BidderPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the bidder being award the NFT
BidAmountNanos* int Bid amount being accepted
EncryptedUnlockableText String

Text encrypted with a shared secret between the current owner and the bidder

Required if NFT has unlockable content

MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFee[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed an Accept NFT Bid transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "BidderPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Bidder whose bid was accepted for this NFT
  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of NFT post being sold
  "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being sold
  "BidAmountNanos": 1000000000, // Bid amount being accepted
  "TotalInputNanos": 989249757,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 989249428,
  "FeeNanos": 329,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 0
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
        "AmountNanos": 989249428
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of Post Hash being sold
      "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being sold
      "BidderPKID": [2,57,123,26,128,235,160,166,6,68,101,10,241,60,42,111,253,251,191,56,131,12,175,195,73,55,167,93,221,68,184,206,82], // Bytes of Bidder's PKID
      "BidAmountNanos": 1000000000, // Bid amount being accepted
      "UnlockableText": null, // Encrypted unlockableable text if available
      "BidderInputs": [ // Bidder Inputs used for purchasing the NFT
          "TxID": [...],
          "Index": 0
    "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
    "ExtraData": null,
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 17
  "TransactionHex": "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"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Transfer NFT

POST /api/v0/transfer-nft

Create a transfer NFT transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

Transfer NFT transactions sends an NFT from the sender to the receiver at no cost to the receiver. NFT transfers will be pending until receiver submits an #accept-nft-transfertransaction

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in's frontend:
- Make request to Transfer NFT
- Use Transfer NFT to send NFT to another user

Request Body

Name Type Description
SenderPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the current NFT Owner
ReceiverPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the recipient of the NFT
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the NFT Post being transferred
SerialNumber* int Serial number being transferred
EncryptedUnlockableText String

Text that encrypted with a shared secret between the current owner and the receiver

Required if NFT has unlockable content

MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFee[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed Transfer NFT transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "SenderPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Public key of the user sending the NFT
  "ReceiverPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public key of the user receiving the NFT
  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of NFT being transferred
  "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being transferred
  "TotalInputNanos": 49352,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 49096,
  "FeeNanos": 256,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 3
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
        "AmountNanos": 49096
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of Post Hash being transferred
      "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being transferred
      "ReceiverPublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF", // Public key of user receiving NFT
      "UnlockableText": "" // Encrypted unlockable text
    "PublicKey": "Ajl7GoDroKYGRGUK8Twqb/37vziDDK/DSTenXd1EuM5S",
    "ExtraData": null,
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 19
  "TransactionHex": "01dde32daf6f9abcd2994d671e603a13f7c5d56dd97ae31ff07d4192a884792d5f030102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce52c8ff02134467f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0012102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c45002102397b1a80eba0a60644650af13c2a6ffdfbbf38830cafc34937a75ddd44b8ce520000"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Accept NFT Transfer

POST /api/v0/accept-nft-transfer

Create an accept NFT Transfer transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

Accept NFT Transfer transaction changes a transferred NFT status from pending to not pending. Since anybody can send a user an NFT, the recipient needs to accept the transfer before the NFT can appear on their profile in order to prevent users from sending spam NFTs.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in's frontend:
- Make request to Accept NFT Transfer
- Use AcceptNFTTransfer to make NFT appear on your profi0/accept-nft-transfer

Request Body

Name Type Description
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user accepting the NFT transfer
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the NFT Post for which the transfer is being accepted
SerialNumber* int serial number for which the transfer is being accepted
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFee[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully construct an Accept NFT Transfer transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public key of user accepting NFT transfer
  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of the NFT that is being accepted
  "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial Number whose transfer is being accepted
  "TotalInputNanos": 50000000,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 49999779,
  "FeeNanos": 221,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 2
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
        "AmountNanos": 49999779
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of the Post Hash of the NFT whose transferred is being accepted
      "SerialNumber": 1 // Serial Number whose transfer is being accepted
    "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
    "ExtraData": null,
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 20
  "TransactionHex": "01dde32daf6f9abcd2994d671e603a13f7c5d56dd97ae31ff07d4192a884792d5f020102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c45a3dfeb17142167f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0012102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c450000"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Burn NFT

POST /api/v0/burn-nft

Create a Burn NFT transaction. Transaction needs to be signed and submitted through api/v0/submit-transaction before changes come into effect.

NFT Burn transactions burns the NFT, meaning that no user can ever own that Post hash-serial number combination.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend:
- Make request to Burn NFT
- Use BurnNFT to burn the NFT

Request Body

Name Type Description
UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check* String Public key of the user burning the NFT transfer
NFTPostHashHex* String Hash of the NFT Post that is being burnt
SerialNumber* int serial number that is being burnt
MinFeeRateNanosPerKB* uint64 Rate per KB
TransactionFees TransactionFee[]

Array of


objects that define additional outputs that need to be added to this transaction

{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Successfully constructed Burn NFT transaction" %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Sample Response" %}

  "UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public key of user burning the NFT
  "NFTPostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Post Hash Hex of NFT being burned
  "SerialNumber": 1, // Serial number being burned
  "TotalInputNanos": 49999779,
  "ChangeAmountNanos": 49999558,
  "FeeNanos": 221,
  "Transaction": {
    "TxInputs": [
        "TxID": [...],
        "Index": 0
    "TxOutputs": [
        "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
        "AmountNanos": 49999558
    "TxnMeta": {
      "NFTPostHash": [103,248,14,166,144,139,147,204,169,33,162,164,158,242,104,173,55,55,86,181,186,69,175,244,224,107,247,163,31,127,32,192], // Bytes of Post Hash being burned 
      "SerialNumber": 1 // Serial number being burned
    "PublicKey": "Aqo9yNKZ6h5JFN5mSU7T4W7amg1lcZ1SPBqaA8v59gxF",
    "ExtraData": null,
    "Signature": null,
    "TxnTypeJSON": 21
  "TransactionHex": "0161b49620c72975d8397836c6b28981a0257d846e28ee74b296264bf1e2109036000102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c45c6ddeb17152167f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0012102aa3dc8d299ea1e4914de66494ed3e16eda9a0d65719d523c1a9a03cbf9f60c450000"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response Field Descriptions" %} ...coming soon! See comments in sample response for descriptions for now. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}

    // Response

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}