Subject: Image Processing
Specific subject area: Object detection and recognition
Type of data: Images and Annotated images
How the data were acquired? Using Infrared Day/Night Camera
Data format Primary data? JPG Files (images)
Secondary data: JSON Code & Annotated image files
Description of data collection: The images have been collected Using Infrared Day/Night Camera.
Data source location: City/Town/Region: Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
Country: India
Data accessibility Primary data: Raw image available as supplementary file
Secondary data: JSON Code of Annotated image available in this repository.
The annotated images are accessible using the API key and project ID. To access the raw and annotated images, the code is available as python code in the same repository.
The raw image of the dataset is available at Doi Number of the article (IEEE dataport): 10.21227/d9ey-mh50
The annotation has been done using the Labelbox web application