This project is a take home asssessment for NodeJS Coding.
- Use Node v21 or higher (current LTS)
- Use Typescript
- Do not use a framework (Nest JS)
- Welcome to use any other dependencies (Express, Axios, Got, etc)
- Include unit tests
Create an API that takes in a year (YYYY format) and returns the one page of movies for that year sorted by descending popularity.
Your service should not fail if the movie credit API fails. The list of editors (retrieved by credits API) is optional in your reponse.
Page is a parameter the API you will be integrating with.
The response will be an array of movies containing
- Title
- Release Date
- Vote Average
- A list of Editors
Following APIs will be used to get data
- Discover Movie API:
- Movie Credit API:
Discover Movie API Request: Year will be set by the user of your API
Movie Credit API:
To find editors filter for known_for_department and use name property
Do not commit your bearer token to the repo; use an ignored .env file
For 2019, the response should include the following object Note the order of the editors names does not matter;
title: 'Joker'
release_date: 'January 1, 2019'
vote_average: 8.19,
editors: [
"Jill Bogdanowicz",
"Jason Saulog",
"Cindy Bond",
"Jeff Groth",
"Jeff Mee",
"Ray Neapolitan",
"Thomas J. Cabela"
Your API should be able to be run and tested by CVS Team with our own bearer token.