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After Hours Gaming League Web Site


This is the source for

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You should be familiar with Python 2.7, Django 1.4, and NodeJS 0.10. This site also makes use of Redis, Celery, South, Pinax, and a few other things.

1. Install the Python dependencies

First, fork this repo by clicking the "Fork" button above. Then clone it locally.

Install pip and virtualenv (you might need to run this as root):

$ easy_install virtualenv
$ easy_install pip

Create a virtual environment directory somewhere outside of the repo:

$ virtualenv --distribute ENV

Source that environment (you might want to add this to your .bashrc/.zshrc):

$ . ENV/bin/activate

NOTE: As of Oct 1, 2013, Git versions 1.3 and newer break pip, so you need to install the bleeding-edge version of pip. More info here.

$ pip install -U -e git+

Install all of the required libraries. This takes a while, so go grab some coffee:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Windows users

Visit to download the following precompiled packages:

  • psycopg2
  • lxml 2.3
  • PIL
  • greenlet
  • cython

Remove the line lxml==2.3 from ahgl/requirements.txt before continuing to the next step.

2. Create a local settings file

$ cp ahgl/ ahgl/ is sourced by and isn't checked in, so put any changes you need for development in there.

3. Prepare the database

  • Mac OS X: Grab (easiest) or brew install postgres (easy)
  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install postgresql
  • Windows: Go here

Create the database:

$ psql -h localhost
> create database ahgl;

Initialize the tables:

$ ./ syncdb --noinput
$ ./ migrate

Load some sample data:

$ ./ loaddata ahgl/fixtures/dev1.json
$ ./ loaddata ahgl/fixtures/dev2.json

4. Run the Django backend

$ ./ runserver

5. Set up and run the frontend

First, install Grunt and Bower:

$ npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Then install the frontend dependencies:

$ cd ahgl/static/js/app
$ npm install
$ bower install

Run the frontend:

$ grunt serve

Now visit http://localhost:9000/ and you should see something that looks like AHGL!

6. Log into the admin panel

Go to http://localhost:8000/admin and login with admin / admin.

The CMS plugin edits a lot of the static stuff.

The profiles/ and tournaments/ directories have most of the important models and views. Lots of views are the newer Django class-based views.

The admin view (http://localhost:8000/admin) is worth poking through.


7. (Optional) Django development

If you're working on parts of the site that use Django templates, you'll probably want to keep the Angular assets in sync since all of the Django templates use the Angular header and footer.

First, install Nodemon:

$ npm install -g nodemon

Then run this, which will run the production-ready grunt build when important Angular assets change:

$ cd ahgl/static/js/app
$ nodemon --verbose -e js,less,html \
    -i dist/\* -i .tmp/\* -i app/scripts/config.js -i app/styles/main.css \
    `which grunt` build


Basically, create a fresh branch, run grunt to build static files, add them as a commit, and push the branch:

$ git branch -D staging
$ git checkout -b staging
$ grunt --gruntfile ahgl/static/js/app/Gruntfile.js build
$ git add --force ahgl/static/js/{dist,app/scripts/config.js}
$ git commit -m "Checking in production files to app/dist"
$ gondor deploy <env> HEAD


AHGL Web Site







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