Grasp planner based on GQCNN and their policy demo.
Modified version of gqcnn policy demo which takes in images from the fetch robot published on head_camera/depth_registered/image_raw and /head_camera/rgb/image_raw and publishes a grasp pose on /planned_grasp. The grasp pose encodes a postion to grasp at (with implict start width of 10 cm) and an angle to approach from as a quarternion.
- Start fetchit demo:
roslaunch fetch_gazebo playground.launch
- Start movegroup:
roslaunch fetch_moveit_config move_group.launch
- Source catkin workspace
- Start mapping:
roslaunch fetchit_world mapping.launch
- Move robot to place where it should lift an object
- Clone this repository into your catkin_ws/src/ and cd into it
- Get camera into postion with
python src/
- Run grasp planner
python src/ --config_filename=src/policy.yaml
; planned grasp will be published till the script is closed