- All dates within the system are UTC, they are converted to local times on render. "Start of day" and "End of day" concepts are tricky.
jq -c -Rs '{ html: .}' src/templates/weather.html > .temp-body.json
curl -vv -o render.png \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d@.temp-body.json \
rm -f .temp-body.json
The model can return data up to 50h from now.
"Pressure": 1015.7,
"GeopHeight": 26.3,
"Temperature": 6.4,
"DewPoint": 4.9,
"Humidity": 92.8,
"WindDirection": 127,
"WindSpeedMS": 1.97,
"WindUMS": -1.37,
"WindVMS": 1.37,
"PrecipitationAmount": 0.38,
"TotalCloudCover": 100,
"LowCloudCover": 100,
"MediumCloudCover": 0,
"HighCloudCover": 58.9,
"RadiationGlobal": 4.4,
"RadiationGlobalAccumulation": 682913.3,
"RadiationNetSurfaceLWAccumulation": -1537350,
"RadiationNetSurfaceSWAccumulation": 613723.9,
"RadiationSWAccumulation": 14.2,
"Visibility": 7441.7,
"WindGust": 3.6,
"time": "2022-11-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"location": {
"lat": 60.222,
"lon": 24.83
The model can return data up to 10 days from now.
"GeopHeight": 37.6,
"Temperature": 5.8,
"Pressure": 1016,
"Humidity": 95.7,
"WindDirection": null,
"WindSpeedMS": null,
"WindUMS": -1.8,
"WindVMS": -0.1,
"MaximumWind": null,
"WindGust": null,
"DewPoint": null,
"TotalCloudCover": null,
"WeatherSymbol3": null,
"LowCloudCover": null,
"MediumCloudCover": null,
"HighCloudCover": null,
"Precipitation1h": 0,
"PrecipitationAmount": null,
"RadiationGlobalAccumulation": null,
"RadiationLWAccumulation": null,
"RadiationNetSurfaceLWAccumulation": null,
"RadiationNetSurfaceSWAccumulation": null,
"RadiationDiffuseAccumulation": null,
"LandSeaMask": null,
"time": "2022-11-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"location": {
"lat": 2764063,
"lon": 8449330.5
"GeopHeight": 37.6,
"Temperature": 5.8,
"Pressure": 1016,
"Humidity": 95.7,
"WindDirection": null,
"WindSpeedMS": null,
"WindUMS": -1.8,
"WindVMS": -0.1,
"MaximumWind": null,
"WindGust": null,
"DewPoint": null,
"TotalCloudCover": null,
"WeatherSymbol3": null,
"LowCloudCover": null,
"MediumCloudCover": null,
"HighCloudCover": null,
"Precipitation1h": 0,
"PrecipitationAmount": null,
"RadiationGlobalAccumulation": null,
"RadiationLWAccumulation": null,
"RadiationNetSurfaceLWAccumulation": null,
"RadiationNetSurfaceSWAccumulation": null,
"RadiationDiffuseAccumulation": null,
"LandSeaMask": null,
"time": "2022-11-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"location": {
"lat": 2764063,
"lon": 8449330.5
- Refresh icon: Created by andriwidodo from The Noun Project
- Severi Salminen for inspiration and assets https://github.com/sevesalm/eInk-weather-display