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Google image downloader util

This util is helper for download many images from custom google search service and put them to specified folder

License MIT Build Status Go Report Card

Import to self package

You can use this library in your project

package main

import ""

var (
    url = ""
    path = "/customsearch/v1"
    tag = "some_tag_name" // required param
    folder = "required_folder_to_save (default: ./images)"
// When tag is prefix for file name
// tag - required param
var request = utils.NewRequest(url, path, tag)

request.AddQuery("key", key)
request.AddQuery("cx", cx)
request.AddQuery("q", query)
request.AddQuery("num", strconv.Itoa(num))
request.AddQuery("searchType", "image")
request.AddQuery("imgSize", imgSize)
request.AddQuery("imgColorType", imgColorType)
request.AddQuery("fileType", imgType)
request.AddQuery("start", "1")


Build package

On the first step you should get and install package


go get -u


Run test for package

cd $GOPATH/src/
go test ./...


Get help
# Type in terminal
# and you can see help

Google image downloader by Leshanu Evgeniy
You can download multiple images from google
just create you custom search application in google cloud console

	gimdownloader [options] 
  -configFile string
    	If is set then get config params, otherwise get by args
  -cx string
    	Key for Custom search API
  -folder string
    	Folder where images will be download (default "images")
  -imgColorType string
    	Image color type like (color, gray, mono) (default "color")
  -imgSize string
    	Image size for download, like medium,large,small ...
  -imgType string
    	Image type for download (default "jpeg")
  -key string
    	Key API from google console
  -num int
    	How match images went to get (default 10)
  -query string
    	Query string for search images by this query
  -tag string
    	Tag name for named image for download