quicknet generates scale-free networks via preferential attachment (PA) models. It is very fast; generating a network with n nodes is O(n log n), and networks with many millions of nodes can be generated in a few seconds on commodity hardware.
Use quicknet/ to generate networks from PA models. There are a few example models already implemented (see price.c, pricerecip.c, krapivsky.c). See Extending quicknet for a description of how to implement your own models.
This directory contains the implementation for the paper “Efficient Network Generation under General Preferential Attachment” [1]. This codebase made use of a lot of indirection to enable different central data structures; it is quite a bit more difficult to work with than quicknet/. It is available for reference purposes.
- Price’s model
- Price’s model with reciprocation
- Krapivsky’s model
- Krapivsky’s model with reciprocation
- Krapivsky’s model with strongly connected component analysis
cd quicknet
This will produce several executables.
or, run one of the other binaries.
- -n: number of nodes to simulate
- -p: probability of taking a node step (krapivsky only)
- -r: probability of reciprocating an edge
- -l: lambda (in-degree fitness) value
- -m: mu (out-degree fitness) value [krapivsky only]
- -e: output edge list file name
- Generate one network from price’s model with 10^6 nodes.
./price -n 1000000 -l 1.0 -e "price_10_6.csv"
- Generate ten networks from krapivsky’s model with 10^5 nodes.
for ((i=1;i<=10;i++)); do ./krapivsky -n 100000 -l 3.5 -m 1.8 -e "krapivsky_10_5_${i}.csv"; done
Let modelx be the model you wish to implement. In the quicknet/ directery, create a file modelx.c which follows the same format as price.c and krapivsky.c. Make the following changes to the Makefile:
- Append modelx.c to SRCS
- Append modelx.o to OBJS
- append modelx to EXE
Then run
make depend
make modelx
chmod 755 modelx
You should now have the executable modelx in the current directory.
See the paper [1] for a more detailed description of the data structures used in quicknet.
[1] James Atwood, Bruno Ribeiro, and Don Towsley. “Efficient Network Generation under General Preferential Attachment”. WWW Simplex Workshop, 2014.