- nodejs v6.10.0
- ngrok (Secure tunnels to localhost)
Download github project and install dependencies
git clone git@github.com:kikerios/hello-bot.git
cd hello-bot
npm install
Create .env file or clone .env.example in root directory
Launch the application by running npm start
and open http://localhost:3500 in your browser.
hello-bot@1.0.0 start ~/hello-bot
node server.js
server.info: Server running at: http://localhost:3500
on another terminal run ngrok command
ngrok http 3500
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Session Status online
Update update available (version 2.2.8, Ctrl-U to update)
Version 2.2.4
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://d6f4d9ba.ngrok.io -> localhost:3500
Forwarding https://d6f4d9ba.ngrok.io -> localhost:3500
next step... configure your bot
This is a walkthrough to see the basics of the platform in action. Read the Complete Guide to learn about the platform in more detail.
1. Create a Facebook App and Page
- Create a new Facebook App and Page or use existing ones. Go to the App Dashboard and under Product Settings click "Add Product" and select "Messenger."
2. Setup Webhook
- In the Webhooks section, click "Setup Webhooks."
- Enter a URL for a webhook, enter a Verify Token and select messages and messaging_postbacks under Subscription Fields.
- Callback URL: (use your ngrok https url)
- Verify Token: (value into .env file "VERIFY_TOKEN")
- h3ll0-Bot
3. Get a Page Access Token
- In the Token Generation section, select your Page. A Page Access Token will be generated for you. Copy this Page Access Token. Note: The generated token will NOT be saved in this UI. Each time you select that Page a new token will be generated. However, any previous tokens created will continue to function.
- Copy the Page Access Token and paste into .env file "PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN"
4. Subscribe the App to the Page
5. Restart your project
npm start
hello-bot@1.0.0 start ~/hello-bot
node server.js
server.info: Server running at: http://localhost:3500
6. Test your bot
- Open your fan page and let's do magic
Import Postman Collections
- Hello Bot Webhooks | https://goo.gl/RWVsV9
- Hello Bot Templates | https://goo.gl/sBdL6h
Import Postman Environment
"id": "9f1a81b6-630c-c502-8fc4-cf4763d6ada0",
"name": "hello bot environment",
"values": [
"enabled": true,
"key": "ngrok",
"type": "text"
"enabled": true,
"key": "user_id",
"value": "PASTE_YOUR_USER_ID",
"type": "text"
"enabled": true,
"key": "page_id",
"value": "PASTE_YOUR_PAGE_ID",
"type": "text"
"enabled": true,
"key": "page_access_token",
"type": "text"
"timestamp": 1507163654920,
"_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
"_postman_exported_at": "2017-10-05T02:13:09.283Z",
"_postman_exported_using": "Postman/5.2.1"
with ❤ by @kikerios