Stock price prediction program that uses different SVM(Support Vector Model) models (specifically RBF, Linear, and Polynomial regression models) to accurately predict the future stock price of a stock from past data.
- Retrieve past stock price of a stock in a given time frame (I used 28 days) and collect that data into a csv file. I used Yahoo Finance for this, as you can set the timeframe you like and download a csv file straight from there.
- use Numpy to reshape the array into a 2D array that we can then create regression models
- I used the SVR method found in scikit.learn and then fit the models into our datasets
- first generate a scatter plot of our data points
- plot our three regression models
- label our axes
using the three helper functions I created (get_data, train_models, plot_results) we can then process our data to get predictions using our final function 'process_data'
we get our dates and prices array using get_data
we train our models
we plot our results
we then reshape our date array into a 2D array (one row of samples and one column of features)
we then use '.predict' to get our individual predictions, dependent on type of regression, using our reshaped input data
we then return these predictions