In this assignment, I have been tasked with creating a responsive website that shows off analysis from a preivous project. I elected to use the provided images/dataset for this assignment.
Create a responsive website launched in GitHub pages that has:
- Navigation menu created using Bootstrap
- Landing Page describing the project and linking to plot pages
- Plot Pages for each plot that shows a large image of the plot and describes its significance
- Comparison Page showing all four plots enlarged with Bootstrap
- Data page showing all data in a table and displayed with Bootstrap classes for responsiveness
This project uses:
- Python Version 3.6.13
- Jupyter Notebook Version 6.1.4
- Font is sourced from: Fonts from Google APIs
- Icons are sourced from: FontAwesome
- Bootstrap Version 4.3.1
- Resources Folder: folder containing csv of data used for visualizations and visualization images
- Table Conversion Script: Python script written to change csv data into HTML data table and insert into data page
- Reset.CSS: CSS file used to reset styles before full styling
- Style.CSS: CSS file used to style and modify html
- Landing Page: HTML written for the landing page
- Temp Plot Page: HTML written for temp plot page
- Humidity Plot Page: HTML written for humidity plot page
- Cloudiness Plot Page: HTML written for cloudiness page
- Wind Speet Plot Page: HTML written for wind speed page
- Comparisons Page: HTML written for comparisons page
- Data Page: HTML written for data page