Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process that converts an image of text into a machine-readable text format. For example, if you scan a form or a receipt, your computer saves the scan as an image file. You cannot use a text editor to edit, search, or count the words in the image file. However, you can use OCR to convert the image into a text document with its contents stored as text data.
The project is built on
Before beginning to work the project make sure you have git downloaded on your computer
Then, you must open git and git clone the repo to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/khanhnguyentuann/recognize-text-from-image-using-ocr.git
cd recognize-text-from-image-using-ocr
1. Python
You can download the latest version here: https://www.python.org/
2. pytesseract
Steps of Installation:
1. Install tesseract using windows installer available at: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki
2. Note the tesseract path from the installation. At the time of this edit, the default installation path was: "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Tesseract-OCR" It may change, so please check the installation path.
3. pip install pytesseract
4. Set the tesseract path in the script (in the file image_processing.py)
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
3. Opencv
pip install opencv-python
4. PyQt5
pip install PyQt5
python main.py
a. File 'main.py': Contains the code to run the application, it will import the controller package and call the function that creates the main window.
b. Package 'model': Contains all the code related to the application's data model.
- file 'init.py': This file is empty and the model directory containing it will be treated as a package by python.
- file 'image_processing.py': Contains all the code related to image processing and text extraction using pytesseract.
c. Package 'view': Contains all the code related to the application's user interface.
- file 'init.py': This file is empty and the model directory containing it will be treated as a package by python.
- file 'main_window.py': Contains codes related to creating and setting up the main window of the application.
d. Package 'controller': Contains all the code involved in handling user interaction and updates the model and view accordingly.
- file 'init.py': This file is empty and the model directory containing it will be treated as a package by python.
- file 'text_extractor.py': Contains code to connect controller and view together and handle user interaction
e. Directory: 'resources': Contains all resources such as icons used by the application, images used to extract text.
- folder: 'icons': Contains icons used by the application such as uploading, extracting and copying icons.
- folder: 'images': Contains images used to extract text