High Performance Computing for Data Science Project 2023 - UniTN
The project aims to implement a Parallel Huffman Encoding and Decoding using MPI and perform benchmarks. We have evaluated the performance of our parallel Huffman coding implementation on several randomly created text datasets of different sizes, and compared the results with those of existing sequential and parallel implementations. Our results show that our implementation provides substantial speedup compared to the sequential version, and is competitive with other parallel implementations in terms of runtime. Additionally, we have also analyzed the scalability of our implementation, and observed that it scales well with an increasing number of cores, thus demonstrating its suitability for high-performance computing systems.
Serial implementation: Click here
MPI implementation: Click here
Full report: Click here
cd <dir of serial>
# to encode
bin/compress data/input.txt data/input.encoded.bin
# to decode
bin/decompress data/input.encoded.bin data/input.decoded.txt
# MPI run command
mpiexec -n 1 ./shaker_huffman/bin/compress /home/shaker.khandaker/inputFiles/1000_words.txt /home/shaker.khandaker/encodedFiles/01_1000_words_encoded.bin
# load modules
module load valgrind-3.15.0
module load mpich-3.2
cd <dir of parallel>
# to encode
bin/MPI_compress data/input.txt data/input.encoded.bin
# to decode
bin/MPI_decompress data/input.encoded.bin data/input.decoded.txt
# MPI run command with valgrind
mpirun.actual -n 2 valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./shaker_huffman/bin/MPI_decompress /home/shaker.khandaker/encodedFiles/02_10000_words_encoded.bin /home/shaker.khandaker/decodedFiles/02_10000_words.txt
qsub -o /home/shaker.khandaker/results/outputs/parallel/128core/encoding/run_0011_6.5MB_text.csv 128_huff_enc_custom.sh