We wanted to make a website that could search recipes and save them after logging into the database. The idea was to store all the recipes we want to try into one location so we could find them at any time without having to look through our search history or having to write them down. It is also a hassle to go back and find them in our browsers books marks. With a simple login your profile displays every recipe you have saved, and you can delete the ones you do not like with a touch of a button.
- npm i
- npm i mysql
- npm i mysql2
- npm i dotenv
- npm i sequelize
- npm i express-handlebars
- npm i bcrypt
- npm i express-session
- npm i connect-session-sequelize
This project makes an API call to Edamam with many different search variables including Keyword, Diet Type, Health Constraints, Cuisines Types, Meal Type, and Calorie Count. After the search you can save the recipe to your profile in the database by signing up or logging in if you already have an account. You can also manage your recipes and delete the ones you don’t want or did not like after cooking them.
- Kameron Farshchian
- Kelsey O'Kelley
- Gustavo Carrillo
If you would like to ask me any questions. Contact me at my email address below or you can check out my Github profile.
- Email-kfarshchian@gmail.com
- Github user name- kfarshchian