Bulk PR creator for Github and Github Enterprise.
Edit, delete files in multiple repos at once & create PRs.
And NO, it won't delete, or force push to any existing branch.
Useful for tech leads, who work on many repos and many orgs, and has annoying change to make to all repos.
bpr --org=username --cmd="echo .DS_STORE >> .gitignore"
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kevincobain2000/bpr/master/install.sh | sh
or via go
go install github.com/kevincobain2000/bpr@latest
# Get your token from github.com/settings/tokens
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your_github_token
# Personal repos
# replace from_text with to_text in all files
bpr --org=username --cmd='sed -i "" "s/from_text/to_text/g"'
# Org repos
# replace from_text with to_text in all files with .go extension
bpr --org=your_org --cmd='sed -i "" "s/from_text/to_text/g" *.go'
# Org repos
# remove all files with test in their name
bpr --org=your_org --cmd='rm ./**/*test*'
# Org repos
# update all workflow files with new node version
bpr --org=your_org --cmd='sed -i "" "s/node: 12/node: 20/g" *.yml'
# Org repos
# Just these repos, csv format
bpr --org=your_org --repos=ui,web --cmd='sed -i "" "s/node: 12/node: 14/g" *.yml'
# Org repos
# Enterprise users
bpr --org=your_org --base-url=ghe.company.com --cmd='echo .DS_STORE >> .gitignore'
# Above are the examples on how to use bulk PR creator (bpr) by giving it a command as cmd
# Write a new command to: <<your GPT prompt>>
-base-url string
GitHub base URL (default "github.com")
-cmd string
action command to run (required)
-default-branch string
Where the PR will be created to (empty for default)
dry run
-log-level int
log level (0=info, -4=debug, 4=warn, 8=error)
-org string
GitHub organization name or your own username (required)
-parallel int
number of parallel requests (default 10)
-pr-body string
pull request body (default "BPR: bulk PR changes")
-pr-branch string
pull request branch (default "bpr-<random>")
-pr-commit-msg string
pull request commit message (default "BPR: bulk PR changes")
-pr-title string
pull request title (default "BPR: bulk PR changes")
-repos string
comma-separated list of repositories (empty for all)
-token string
GITHUB_TOKEN via env or flag
print version and exit
- v1.0.0 - Initial release