Drop in replacement for bitset extension.
Also try to reproduce the implementation details of the extension.
The API is the same as in the extension, with the addition of a Factory to use the best available implementation.
Factory::create($bits = 64): BitSet
Factory::fromArray(array $array): BitSet
Factory::fromRawValue(string $raw): BitSet
Factory::fromString(string $str): BitSet
BitSet adapters:
BitSet::set($from = -1, $to = 0): void
BitSet::get($index): boolean
BitSet::clear($from = -1, $to = 0): void
BitSet::size(): int
BitSet::cardinality(): int
BitSet::isEmpty(): boolean
BitSet::length(): int
BitSet::andNotOp(BitSet $set): void
BitSet::andOp(BitSet $set): void
BitSet::orOp(BitSet $set): void
BitSet::xorOp(BitSet $set): void
BitSet::nextClearBit($index): int|false
BitSet::nextSetBit($index): int|false
BitSet::previousClearBit($index): int|false
BitSet::previousSetBit($index): int|false
BitSet::getRawValue(): string
BitSet::toArray(): array
use Adagio\BitSet\Factory;
// Factory::create()
$b = Factory::create(); // Default is 64 bits
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(64) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
$b = Factory::create(8);
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(8) "00000000"
// Factory::fromArray()
$b = Factory::fromArray([1, 6, 17, 2]);
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(24) "011000100000000001000000"
var_dump($b->toArray()); // array(4) { [0]=>int(1), [1]=>int(2), [2]=>int(6), [3]=>int(17) }
// Factory::fromRawValue()
$b = Factory::fromRawValue(base64_decode('IA=='));
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(8) "00000100"
var_dump(base64_encode($b->getRawValue())); // string(4) "IA=="
// Factory::fromString()
$b = Factory::fromString('0110');
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(8) "01100000"
use Adagio\BitSet\Factory;
// BitSet::get()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->get(5)); // bool(true)
var_dump($b->get(20)); // bool(false)
var_dump($b->get(20)); // bool(true)
// BitSet::set()
$b = Factory::create(8);
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(8) "00000000"
$b->set(2, 4);
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(8) "10111000"
$b->set(); // Set all bits on
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(8) "11111111"
// BitSet::clear()
$b = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->get(50)); // bool(true)
var_dump($b->get(50)); // bool(false)
// BitSet::cardinality()
$b = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->cardinality()); // 3
// BitSet::size()
$b = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->size()); // int(64)
$b = Factory::create(8);
$b->set(2, 4);
var_dump($b->size()); // int(8)
// BitSet::isEmpty()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->isEmpty()); // bool(true)
var_dump($b->isEmpty()); // bool(false)
// BitSet::length()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->length()); // int(34)
// BitSet::andNotOp()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
$c = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(64) "0000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
// BitSet::andOp()
$b = Factory::create();
$c = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(64) "0010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
// BitSet::xorOp()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
$c = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(64) "0000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
// BitSet::nextClearBit()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->nextClearBit(20)); // int(21)
var_dump($b->nextClearBit(18)); // int(19)
// BitSet::nextSetBit()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->nextSetBit(20)); // bool(false)
var_dump($b->nextSetBit(18)); // int(20)
// BitSet::orOp()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
$c = Factory::create();
var_dump($b->__toString()); // string(64) "0010001001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
// BitSet::previousClearBit()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->previousClearBit(20)); // int(19)
var_dump($b->previousClearBit(18)); // int(17)
// BitSet::previousSetBit()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine
var_dump($b->previousSetBit(20)); // int(18)
var_dump($b->previousSetBit(18)); // bool(false)
var_dump($b->previousSetBit(5)); // int(1)
// BitSet::toArray()
$b = Factory::create(); // 64 bits is fine. tired of seeing this comment yet?
var_dump($b->toArray()); // array(2) { [0]=> int(5), [1]=> int(22) }
// BitSet::getRawValue()
$b = Factory::create(8);
var_dump(base64_encode($b->getRawValue())); // string(4) "IA=="
var_dump(bin2hex($b->getRawValue())); // string(2) "20"