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Webpack and Transpiler Cordova Plugin

Transpiles your files, converts your SCSS to CSS, and bundles it all with Webpack automagically!

NOTE: This is experimental! It works on my machine and on Travis-CI — but it might blow your installation away. Review the contents of the scripts folder before installing it — make sure you trust the code herein!


  • Node and npm must be installed and available in the path, and your computer must be able to install packages from npm.
    • If intending to use the Babel transpiler, you must have node 5+.
  • Cordova or PhoneGap CLI installed
    • NOTE: This plugin will NOT work with PhoneGap Build. Sorry. 😢


Add the plugin to your Cordova project:

$ cordova plugin add --save cordova-plugin-webpack-transpiler

If you want to control the configuration used, you can pass a variable (available configurations are in ./config):

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-webpack-transpiler \
          --save --variable config=babel|typescript|...

Note: Adding this to your project will call npm init to create a package.json if it doesn't already exist. You'll almost certainly want to change the generated file.

After the plugin is added, you'll have two new configuration files in your project root:

  • webpack.config.js - the default configuration for webpack
  • webpack.common.js - common webpack configuration (extended by webpack.config.js)
  • tsconfig.json - the default TypeScript configuration (when using the TypeScript transpiler)
  • .babelrc - the default Babel configuration (when using the Babel transpiler)

Note: If these files are already present in your project root, they will not be modified. If something isn't working as expected, check these configuration files!

Changing the Transpiler configuration

You can not change the transpiler configuration on-the-fly as the appropriate configuration files will not be completely copied (webpack.config.js and webpack.common.js is shared between transpilers). If you need to change the transpiler, remove the plugin first, remove the left over configuration files and node_modules, and then add the plugin back.

Plugin discovery

If this plugin is discovered to be missing and added during a prepare, build, etc. command, the prepare phase has already been executed and has incorrect results. Therefore you should execute your previous command again to ensure correct results.


Once you install the plugin, you should review the webpack.config.js and webpack.common.js files and the transpiler configuration files both to understand what the scripts will do and to verify that the paths and settings are as you desire. While the configuration will generally work as-is for a simple project, it is impossible to make a one-config-fits-all configuration. Unless otherwise unable, you should make changes in webpack.config.js (see webpack.common.js for overrideable structures).

Second, you need to determine your project structure. The plugin automatically recognizes two structures: sibling (or, internal) and external. The sibling structure expects your ES2015+/TypeScript code to be in a folder that is a sibling of the www/js folder (www/es for ES2015+, and www/ts for TypeScript). The external structure expects your code to be in a folder separate from www (by default, www.src). In the latter structure, ES2015+ code lives in www.src/es and TypeScript code lives in www.src/ts.

Note: When using TypeScript, if you have www.src/ts (or www/ts), that will take precendence over www.src/es (or www/es). In this case your entry point will assumed to be www(.src)/ts/index.ts.

When using the external structure, you may desire to copy additional files and folders from www.src to www. The defaults are displayed below, but you can edit the webpack.config.js file to change this.

Once you've determined which structure you want to use, you'll need to populate it. The plugin is very particular about the names of your app's entry points (see below for defaults). You can change these if you wish by modifying webpack.config.js.

Sibling Configuration Entry Point Output
TypeScript typescript www/ts/index.ts www/js/bundle.js
ES2015 typescript www/es/index.js www/js/bundle.js
        | `babel`      | `www/es/index.js`          | `www/js/bundle.js`

CSS | either | www/css/styles.css | www/css/bundle.css SCSS | either | www/scss/styles.scss | www/css/bundle.css

External Configuration Entry Point Output
TypeScript typescript www.src/ts/index.ts www/js/bundle.js
ES2015 typescript www.src/es/index.js www/js/bundle.js
        | `babel`      | `www.src/es/index.js`      | `www/js/bundle.js`

CSS | either | www.src/css/styles.css | www/css/bundle.css SCSS | either | www.src/scss/styles.scss | www/css/bundle.css Misc | either | www.src/*.* | www/*.* CSS | either | www.src/css/**/* | www/css/**/* Images | either | www.src/img/**/* | www/img/**/* JavaScript | either | www.src/js/**/* | www/js/**/* Lib files | either | www.src/lib/**/* | www/lib/**/* Vendor files| either | www.src/vendor/**/* | www/vendor/**/*

Installing the plugin doesn't actually do anything beyond registering the hooks with Cordova. The plugin only transforms and copies code when you execute any Cordova command that triggers the prepare phase. This triggers two hooks: one works before the prepare phase and one works after.

The before prepare hook will transpile your code (and copy files when using the external structure). If an error occurs during this process, you'll be notified. If no error occurs, you should see the something that looks like this:

Starting webpack bundling and transpilation phase...
(node:46414) DeprecationWarning: loaderUtils.parseQuery() received a non-string value which can be problematic, see
parseQuery() will be replaced with getOptions() in the next major version of loader-utils.
ts-loader: Using typescript@2.2.1 and /.../example-ts-ext/tsconfig.json
... webpack bundling and typescript transpilation phase complete!
Hash: 76ef6d9645fc284a7a9c
Version: webpack 2.2.1
Time: 1977ms
         Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
  js/bundle.js  22.6 kB       0  [emitted]  main
css/bundle.css  14.8 kB       0  [emitted]  main
    index.html  2.52 kB          [emitted]
  img/logo.png  21.8 kB          [emitted]

The output indicates that four assets were generated. (The paths are relative to your www folder.) The bundle.* files are transformed from your ES2015+/TypeScript or SCSS files. The other files are files that were copied (this example was from an project using the external structure).

Note: If you are using the sibling project structure, an after prepare step will execute. This step removes duplicate files in the resulting platform build artifacts so that your original source files aren't needlessly copied to your app bundles.

If you are using the sibling file structure, you'll need to update your index.html file to reference js/bundle.js and css/bundle.css instead of your original entry files. Otherwise, remove the original entry file source — the plugin will inject all the other dependencies as needed.

Debug vs Release

The plugin watches for a --release switch on the command line; if it is detected the following occurs:

  • Minification is turned on
  • Sourcemaps are turned off

If you need to change this behavior, you can override it by copying webpack.config.js in your project root to webpack.release.config.js and making the desired changes.

Avoiding transformations

If, for whatever reason, you don't want this plugin to do anything during the prepare phase, you can pass the --notransform switch. Probably most useful with the --nobuild switch.

Modifying the configuration files

If you wish to modify webpack.common.js, webpack.config.js, webpack.release.config.js, .babelrc, or tsconfig.json, you can. The plugin will not attempt to override their contents, and it won't attempt to overwrite the files on a reinstall. If you need to reset these configuration files, delete them and reinstall the plugin.

Note: You should prefer to override settings used by webpack.common.js in webpack.config.js.

Removing the plugin

If you find that you need to remove the plugin, you can remove it via cordova plugin rm. However you'll need to clean up the files that this plugin creates if you wish to be rid of all trace. This means removing (unless you have since modified):

  • node_modules
  • package.json
  • tsconfig.json
  • .babelrc
  • webpack.common.js
  • webpack.config.js
  • webpack.release.config.js


               Project type | Link

-------------------------------:|:---------------------------------- TypeScript, Sibling structure | ./example-ts TypeScript, External structure | ./example-ts-ext Babel, Sibling structure | ./example-babel Babel, External structure | ./example-babel-ext

Note: the example projects use ../ to install the plugin, not the plugin name. Your projects will use the plugin identifier instead.

Built-in Webpack Loaders

The webpack.config.js files come with some useful loaders:

file pattern loader example
*.json; *.json5 json5-loader import pkg from "../../package.json";
*.html; *.txt raw-loader import template from "../templates/list-item.html";
*.png; *.jp(e)g; *.svg file-loader import icon from "../img/icon.svg";
*.eot; *.ttf; *.woff; *.woff2 file-loader import icon from "../img/icon.svg";
imports-loader None; you must specify the rules yourself

If a file pattern you need to import isn't matched with a loader, you can specify the loader directly:

import xml from "raw-loader!../../config.xml";

Built-in asset copying

When in the "external" operating mode, the following assets will be copied from www.src to www:


Built-in Module Resolution

The default configurations add the following module resolution paths (relative to project root):


Built-in Aliases

The default configurations add the following aliases, which may be useful in resolving your app's modules:

Alias Path
$LIB `(www
Lib `(www
$VENDOR `(www
Vendor `(www
Components `(www
Controllers `(www
Models `(www
Pages `(www
Routes `(www
Templates `(www
Utilities `(www
Views `(www

Overriding the configuration

Preferably you should make changes to webpack.config.js instead of changing webpack.common.js. The main reason is that doing so allows you to remove webpack.common.js should a new version of the plugin require a fresh version. Plus, unless you're completely changing how the bundling works, you'll end up with a more maintainable configuration.

webpack.common.js exports

The following are exported by webpack.common.js:

  • config(options): returns a webpack configuration based on options, as follows:
    • src (optional): Source directory; defaults to $PROJECT_ROOT/www.src if present, or $PROJECT_ROOT/www otherwise.

    • extensions (optional): Extensions that can be left off in import statements. Defaults to:

      [".js", ".ts", ".jsx", ".es", // typical JS extensions
      ".jsm", ".esm",               // jsm is node's ES6 module ext
      ".json",                      // some modules require json without an extension
      ".css", ".scss",              // CSS & SASS extensions
      "*"];                         // allow extensions on imports
    • dirs (required): directory mappings. A default mapping is exported as defaults.dirs and looks like follows:

          css:      "css",
          es:       "es",
          external: "www.src",
          html:     "html",
          img:      "img",
          js:       "js",
          lib:      "lib",
          scss:     "scss",
          ts:       "ts",
          vendor:   "vendor",
          www:      "www",
          aliases: {
              Lib: "lib",
              Vendor: "vendor",
              Components:  "$JS/components",
              Controllers: "$JS/controllers",
              Models:      "$JS/models",
              Pages:       "$JS/pages",
              Routes:      "$JS/routes",
              Templates:   "$JS/templates",
              Utilities:   "$JS/util",
              Views:       "$JS/views",
      • The alias key is used to add additional module resolution aliases.
      • $JS/ is used to point at the path
    • sourcePaths (optional): Provides the names of the source paths that can be transformed. Any missing paths are copied from the default, as follows:

          src: options.src,
          ts: dirs.ts
          scss: dirs.scss
    • outputPaths (optional): Provides the names of the output paths. Any missing paths are copied from the default, as follows:

          www: dirs.www,
          js: dirs.js,
          css: dirs.css
    • indexes (optional): Provides source/destination mapping for varies entry and index files. Extended from the following form (from is relative to sourcePaths.src, and to/js/css is relative to outputPaths.www):

          css: {from:, to:}
          scss: {from:, to:},         # used if allowScss is true
          es: {from:, to:},
          ts: {from:, to:},
          vendor: {js:, css:}
    • outputFile (optional): Specifies the output filename for the JavaScript bundle. Defaults to + "bundle.js" (or bundle.ts if using TypeScript).

    • vendor (required): Modules to output as part of the vendor chunk. If none, pass [].

    • entryFiles (optional): Specifies the entry files for the app. If not provided, defaults to (substituting ts if using TypeScript):

          app: ["./" +, "./" + indexes.(s)css.from],
          vendor: vendor  // if vendor has length > 0
    • allowTypeScript (optional): Indicates if typescript is permitted. This enables extra extensions and configuration for the TypeScript compiler. Defaults to false.

    • allowScss (optional): Indicates if Scss is permitted. Defaults to false.

    • transpiler (optional): Indicates the webpack loader to use for JavaScript files. If allowTypeScript is true, defaults to ts-loader, otherwise defaults to babel-loader.

    • assetsToCopyIfExternal (required): Indicates the assets to copy from dirs.external to dirs.www. A default list is exported under defaults.assetsToCopyIfExternal, and looks like follows:

          { from: "*.html" },
          { from: dirs.img + "/**/*" },
          { from: dirs.css + "/**/*" },
          { from: dirs.js + "/**/*" },
          { from: dirs.vendor + "/**/*" },
          { from: dirs.lib + "/**/*" },
          { from: dirs.html + "/**/*" },
    • assetsToCopyIfSibling (required): Same as assetsToCopyIfExternal, but applies if the source directory is the dirs.www folder instead of dirs.external. The exported default (defaults.assetsToCopyIfSibling) is [].

    • cssLoaderFallback (optional): defaults to style-loader

    • devtool (optional): defaults to inline-source-map (overridden in release mode to none)

  • defaults: useful defaults, as follows
    • dirs: exports default directory mappings
    • vendor: exports default vendor modules
    • assetsToCopyIfExternal, assetsToCopyIfSibling: exports default assets to copy
    • transpiler: exports default transpiler

Example configuration

This configuration uses most of the typescript configuration defaults, but adds some React modules to the vendor option and adds an additional rule using the imports-loader:

var webpackCommonConfig = require("./webpack.common.js");

var webpackConfig = webpackCommonConfig.config(
        allowTypeScript: true,
        allowScss: true,
        transpiler: "ts-loader",
        dirs: webpackCommonConfig.defaults.dirs,
        assetsToCopyIfExternal: webpackCommonConfig.defaults.assetsToCopyIfExternal,
        assetsToCopyIfInternal: webpackCommonConfig.defaults.assetsToCopyIfInternal,
        vendor: webpackCommonConfig.defaults.vendor.concat("react", "react-dom", "react-router")

webpackConfig.module.rules.push({ test: /globalize/, loader: "imports-loader?define=>false" });

module.exports = webpackConfig;


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