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Node App setup with express server and postgres for Mock Interview Prep. /authors, /books...

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Chegg Books Mock 1


This repo is setup to practice for the the back-end web development mock interview.

  • This is an extension of the Chegg Books API from Module 3.9.6 Assessment.
  • This is a complete end-to-end setup to practice a full setup, build and deployment of an API service using node, express and postgresql.

Project Structure

├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── knexfile.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
|── src/
    ├── app.js
    ├── server.js
    ├── books/
        ├── books.controller.js
        ├── books.router.js
        ├── books.service.js
    ├── authors/
        ├── authors.controller.js
        ├── authors.router.js
        ├── authors.service.js
    ├── genres/
        ├── genres.controller.js
        ├── genres.router.js
        ├── genres.service.js
    ├── db/
        ├── connection.js
        ├── migrations/
            |── 20210901120000_authors.js // These will be created with `npm run knex migrate:make authors`
            |── 20210901120100_books.js
            |── 20210901120200_genres.js
            |── 20210901120300_books_genres.js
        ├── seeds/
            |── seed_data.sql
    ├── errors/
        ├── methodNotAllowed.js
    ├── setup/
        ├── authors.sql
        ├── books.sql
        ├── books_genres.sql
        ├── genres.sql
    ├── utils/
        ├── utils.js

Project Outline

  1. Review requirements and setup project structure. Context: Replicate and extend the chegg_books project from the Chegg Skills curriculum.
    • Create flow diagram with lucidchart. (Simulate)
      • This would usually be in cooperation with frontend developers/team as well.
    • Create a Trello board. (Simulate)
      • This would be used to identify tasks, organize work and estimate effort, and track progress.
    • Create a database ERD with lucidchart. (Simulate)
      • I would normally use an AI assistant to create the ERD starter, and chose to use lucidchart for this project.
  2. Pre-work
    • Database:
      • Setup a docker volume for the postgres data. This will be a shared local volume for local dev testing.
        • docker volume create postgres-obiwan-data
      • Deploy a postgres DB instance using docker. This will be used for development and testing.
        • docker container run -it --name chegg-dev-obiwan --hostname chegg-dev-obiwan -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<some password> -p 5432:5432 -v postgres-obiwan-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d kernel528/postgres:16
      • Login to DB instance:
        • docker container run -it --rm --name postgres-psql kernel528/postgres:16 psql -h host.docker.internal -U postgres -d chegg_books_obiwan
        • This creates a default chegg_books_obiwan database. Which will be used for manual interactions.
      • Create new dev and prd databases for knex integrations:
        • CREATE DATABASE chegg_books_obiwan_dev; --> Used for dev development.
        • CREATE DATABASE chegg_books_obiwan_prd; --> Used for production.
      • Setup DBeaver connection to the chegg_books_obiwan databases.
      • Setup Database source with IDE (optional).
      • Create a data/books-data.js to be used as initial flat file data to test the API.
      • Create a setup folder with the following files. These will be used to setup the tables and seed data manually to the database pre-knex integration.
        • authors.sql
        • books.sql
        • books_genres.sql
        • genres.sql
  3. Create a basic Express server.
    • Setup the basic server structure with Express.
    • Create a basic route to validate the server is running properly.
  4. Create a basic API for managing a "Books" resource.
    • GET /books - Return all books.
    • POST /books - Add a new book.
    • PUT /books/:id - Update an existing book.
    • DELETE /books/:id - Remove a book.
  5. Write middleware functions to validate the request body.
    • Create a middleware function to validate the request body for POST and PUT requests.
    • Ensure that the request body contains the required fields.
    • Return a 400 status with a descriptive error if validation fails.
  6. Integrate a PostgreSQL database with the API.
    • Create a database called chegg_books.
    • Setup a .env file to store the database connection string.
      • DEVELOPMENT_DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/chegg_books_dev
      • PRODUCTION_DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/chegg_books_prod
    • Create several tables: authors, books, genres, books_genres, seed_data.
      • Setup .sql files to create the tables.
  7. Implement the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations using the database.
    • CRUD with knex: Module 3.10.6
      • Create the routes, controllers, and services for the books, authors, and genres resources.
  8. Ensure that the API interacts with the database correctly.
  9. Add knex functionality to the project.
    • Use npm install knex to install knex.
  10. Setup migrations and seeds folders.
    • Use npm run knex migrate:make authors to create the migration files.

Node and Express App Installation

Branch: base-api-setup

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. cd into the newly created directory.
  3. Create package.json file:
    npm init -y
  4. Install dependencies:
    npm install express
    npm install nodemon --save-dev
    npm install dotenv
    npm install cors
  5. Create a .env file and include your PORT:
  6. Update the package.json file to include the following scripts:
     "scripts": {
       "start": "node src/server.js",
       "start:dev": "nodemon src/server.js"

Configure Application & Server Files

  1. Create an app.js file: Branch: base-api-setup
    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    const cors = require('cors');
    // Placeholder for routes...
    // Placeholder for Not found handler: 404
    // Placeholder for Error handler: 500
    module.exports = app;
  2. Setup the basic API routes in the app.js file. Branch: base-api-setup
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
     res.send("Hello!  Welcome to the Books and Authors API Query Service!");
  3. Create a server.js file. Branch: base-api-setup
    const { PORT = 5020 } = process.env;
    const app = require('./app');
    app.listen(PORT, () => {
         console.log(`Server is listening on port http://localhost:${PORT}`);
  4. Run the application: Branch: base-api-setup
    npm start // production
    npm run start:dev // development
  5. Navigate to localhost:5020 in your browser. --> Should see the message above in the browser.

Setup Basic API Service for /books


  • Setup a /books route with basic methods: GET, POST, GET with aggregates
  • Setup a /books/:bookId route with basic methods: GET, PUT, DELETE.
  • Setup a /authors route with basic methods: GET, POST
  • Setup a /authors/:authorId route with basic methods: GET, PUT, DELETE
  • Validate in local DEV (docker) environment.
  • Deploy to production environment.
  • Validate in production environment.
  1. Create a books folder with the following files:
    • books.controller.js // middleware functions
    • books.router.js // routes
  2. Setup the /books route in src/books/books.router.js
    • Setup GET (list all books),
    • POST (add a new book),
  3. Setup the /books middleware functions in src/books/books.controller.js
    • Setup the middleware functions for the GET and POST routes.
  4. Setup the /books/:bookId route in src/books/books.router.js
    • Setup GET (get a book by id),
    • PUT (update a book by id),
    • DELETE (remove a book by id) routes.

Integrate with Postgres DB using Knex

  1. Setup knex and postgres DB. Module 3.10.2: Knex Configuration
    • Install knex with postgres: npm install knex pg
  2. Initialize knex: npx knex init
    • Update the knexfile.js file to include the development and production configurations.
      • The default file will need some tweaking to match Chegg Skills pattern, but it's a good starting point. Setup the development and production configurations the same.
      • Update the knexfile.js file to include the database connection string. This will come from the .env file.
      • Hardcoded example (only):
          module.exports = {
             development: {
               client: 'pg',
               connection: 'postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/chegg_books_dev',
               migrations: {
                  directory: './src/db/migrations',
               seeds: {
                  directory: './src/db/seeds',
             production: {
               client: 'pg',
               connection: 'postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/chegg_books_prod',
               migrations: {
                  directory: './src/db/migrations',
               seeds: {
                  directory: './src/db/seeds',
  3. Update the .env file to store the database connection string.
    • DEVELOPMENT_DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/chegg_books_dev?SSL=true
    • PRODUCTION_DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/chegg_books_prod
  4. Setup DB connection.js file Module 3.10.3: Connecting to the database with Knex
    • Create a db under the src folder and create the a connection.js file in the db folder. Branch: add-knex-integration
    • Update the connection.js file to include the database connection. Branch: add-knex-integration
       const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
       const config = require("../../knexfile")[env];
       const knex = require("knex")(config);
       module.exports = knex;
  5. Use knex to create migrations files for the tables. In this order due to relations. Refer to setup/ and ERD for more info... Module 3.10.4: Migrations with Knex Branch: update-knex-migration-files
    • Use npx knex migrate:make createGenresTable to create the genres migration file.

    • Use npx knex migrate:make createAuthorsTable to create the authors migration file.

    • Use npx knex migrate:make createBooksTable to create the books migration file.

    • Use npx knex migrate:make createBooks_GenresTable to create the books_genres migration file.

    • Should be four files listed when running npx knex migrate:list.

       : npx knex -- migrate:list
       Using environment: development
       No Completed Migration files Found.
       Found 4 Pending Migration file/files.
  6. Update the migrations files with table schema.
    • Update the up and down functions in the migration files to create and drop the tables.

    • Use npx knex -- migrate:latest to run the migrations.

        : npx knex -- migrate:latest
        Using environment: development
        Batch 1 run: 4 migrations 
    • Initially I was running into this error, and it was due to not properly defining the book_id and genre_id as foreign keys in the createBooksTable file.

        : npx knex -- migrate:latest
        Using environment: development
        migration file "20250102003013_createBooksTable.js" failed
        migration failed with error: table.foreign(...).references(...).inTable is not a function
        table.foreign(...).references(...).inTable is not a function
        TypeError: table.foreign(...).references(...).inTable is not a function
        at TableBuilder._fn (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/src/db/migrations/20250102003013_createBooksTable.js:13:14)
        at TableBuilder.toSQL (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/schema/tablebuilder.js:48:16)
        at (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/schema/compiler.js:144:23)
        at SchemaCompiler_PG.createTable (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/schema/compiler.js:165:13)
        at SchemaCompiler_PG.toSQL (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/schema/compiler.js:97:26)
        at SchemaBuilder.toSQL (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/schema/builder.js:36:45)
        at ensureConnectionCallback (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/internal/ensure-connection-callback.js:4:30)
        at Runner.ensureConnection (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:318:20)
        at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
        at async (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:30:19)
    • Successful migration run...

        : npx knex -- migrate:latest
        Using environment: development
        Batch 1 run: 4 migrations 
        Error: relation "books_genres" does not exist
    • Check the database to ensure the tables were created.

  7. Use knex to create seed files for the tables. Module 3.10.5: Seeding Data with Knex Branch: add-knex-seed-files
    • Use npx knex seed:make 00-genres to create the genres seed file.
    • Use npx knex seed:make 01-authors to create the authors seed file.
    • Use npx knex seed:make 02-books to create the books seed file.
    • Use npx knex seed:make 03-books_genres to create the books_genres seed file.
    • Update the seed files with require to the location of the seeded data: src/db/fixtures/seed_data.sql.
  8. Create the seed files with sample data. Going to use the fixtures folder name for the seed data.
    • Update the seed files in fixtures with sample data.
      • I used chatGPT to help convert the setup sql files to seed data.

      • I ran into an error as I missed adding the in_stockto the books table.

        • column "in_stock" of relation "books" does not exist
      • I created another migration file to include the in_stock column.

         : npx knex migrate:make add_in_stock_to_books
         Using environment: development
         Using environment: development
         Using environment: development
         Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/src/db/migrations/20250102031654_add_in_stock_to_books.js
      • Updated the 20250102031654_add_in_stock_to_books.js file to include the in_stock column.

         exports.up = function(knex) {
           return knex.schema.table('books', (table) => {
         exports.down = function(knex) {
           return knex.schema.table('books', (table) => {
      • This resolved the error for in_stock but I ran into another error for publication_year.

        • column "publication_year" of relation "books" does not exist
      • I created another migration file to include the publication_year column.

         : npx knex migrate:make add_publication_year_to_books
         Using environment: development
         Using environment: development
         Using environment: development
         Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/src/db/migrations/20250102031854_add_publication_year_to_books.js
      • Another column error encountered. column "title" of relation "books" does not exist

      • I created another migration file to include the title column.

        : npx knex migrate:make add_title_to_books
        Using environment: development
        Using environment: development
        Using environment: development
        Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/src/db/migrations/20250102032054_add_title_to_books.js
      • This time I ran into an error due to violating not-null constraint. null value in column "book_title" of relation "books" violates not-null constraint

        : npx knex migrate:make rename_book_title_to_title
        Using environment: development
      • The move to add title was not successful. So, I rolled it back after fixing the missing price and "genre_id" column errors.

         : npx knex migrate:rollback
         Using environment: development
         Batch 4 rolled back: 1 migrations
  9. Run the seed files with npx knex seed:run.
     : npx knex seed:run        
     Using environment: development
     Ran 4 seed files
  10. Validate data exists with DBeaver.
  11. Create the service functions for the books, authors, and genres resources. Module 3.10.6: CRUD with Knex
    • Implement the service functions for the books, authors, and genres resources.
      • list all books, Branch: add-books.service-get
      • Get a book by id. Branch: feature/update-books-with-addtl-services
      • add a new book, Branch: feature/update-books-with-addtl-services-2
      • update a book. Based on book_id. feature/update-book-by-id
      • delete a book. Based on book_id. feature/delete-book-by-id
      • Count the number of books. Branch: feature/add-books-route-services-aggregate-middleware
      • List the out-of-stock books. Branch: feature/add-books-route-services-aggregate-middleware
      • List the in-stock books. Branch: feature/add-books-route-services-aggregate-middleware
      • Count the number of in_stock books. Branch: feature/add-books-route-services-aggregate-middleware
      • Count the number of out-of-stock books. Branch: feature/add-books-route-services-aggregate-middleware
      • list all authors. (Using flat-file data to validate initial route setup.)
      • list all authors (knex) Branch: feature/update-authors-list-knex
      • Get an author by id. (knex) Branch: feature/update-authors-list-knex, feature/add-authors-create-update-delete-support
      • add a new author. Branch: feature/add-authors-create-update-delete-support
      • update an author. Branch: feature/add-authors-create-update-delete-support
      • delete an author. Branch: feature/add-authors-create-update-delete-support
      • list all genres.
      • Get a genre by id.
      • add a new genre.
      • update a genre.
      • delete a genre.
      • Create a books.service.js file in the src/books folder.
      • Create a authors.service.js file in the src/authors folder. Branch: feature/add-authors-create-update-delete-support
      • Create a genres.service.js file in the src/genres folder.

Deploy to Production

  • Update the knexfile.js file to include the production configuration.

    • I re-used the existing render hosted PROD database for this project.
  • Update the .env file to store the production database connection string.

  • Run the migrations on the production environment.

    • Initial knex migration errored due to missing migration files on the shared production database. I had to copy migration files from node, express, postgres and the cors module.
      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:list
      Using environment: production
      The migration directory is corrupt, the following files are missing: 20241213193233_createSuppliersTable.js, 20241213194941_createProductsTable.js, 20241213204943_createCategoriesTable.js, 20241213205201_createProductsCategoriesTable.js, 20241213222635_productsAddPriceAndChangeProductNameToProductTitle.js, 20201213083928_createArticlesTable.js
      Error: The migration directory is corrupt, the following files are missing: 20241213193233_createSuppliersTable.js, 20241213194941_createProductsTable.js, 20241213204943_createCategoriesTable.js, 20241213205201_createProductsCategoriesTable.js, 20241213222635_productsAddPriceAndChangeProductNameToProductTitle.js, 20201213083928_createArticlesTable.js
      at validateMigrationList (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/migrations/migrate/Migrator.js:567:11)
      at Migrator.list (/Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/Mock Interview Prep/chegg-books-mock/node_modules/knex/lib/migrations/migrate/Migrator.js:285:7)
      at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
      : cp ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/starters/starter-node-express-postgresql/src/db/migrations/20241213* ./src/db/migrations 
      : cp ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/starters/starter-tracing-back-end/src/db/migrations/20201213083928_createArticlesTable.js ./src/db/migrations 
      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:list                                                                                                       
      Using environment: production
      Found 6 Completed Migration file/files.
      Found 7 Pending Migration file/files.
      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:latest
      Using environment: production
      Batch 3 run: 7 migrations
  • Run the seed files on the production environment.

     : NODE_ENV=production npx knex seed:run
    • I forgot to remove the add_title_to_books.js migration. So, had to rollback and then remove migration file, then re-run.

      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:rollback
      Using environment: production
      Batch 3 rolled back: 7 migrations
      : mv src/db/migrations/20250102033001_add_title_to_books.js ./
      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:list                   
      Using environment: production
      Found 6 Completed Migration file/files.
      Found 6 Pending Migration file/files.
      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:latest
      Using environment: production
      Batch 3 run: 6 migrations
      : NODE_ENV=production npx knex seed:run                       
      Using environment: production
      Ran 4 seed files
    • Confirmed with DBeaver the data was seeded.

  • Deploy the application to a production server.

  • Test the application in the production environment.


Node App setup with express server and postgres for Mock Interview Prep. /authors, /books...







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