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Chegg Skills back-end web development certificate program final capstone project.

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Chegg Skills Back-end Web Development Capstone

This repository contains the source code for the We Love Movies Capstone to the Chegg Skills Back-end Web Development Certificate Program.

Front-end Setup

  • The starter-movie-front-end is a symlink in this repo to the fork from Chegg Skills located here: starter-movie-frontend. This was setup to test progress in addition to test cases.
  • Due to using the qualified-attach to sync local changes with qualified site, this defaulted to the Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 folder name.

Project Structure

├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── knexfile.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── docs/
    ├── routes/
    ├── tables/
|── src/
    ├── app.js
    ├── server.js
    ├── db/
        ├── connection.js
        ├── migrations/
            |── <migration 1>
            |── <migration 2>
            |── <migration ...>
        ├── seeds/
            |── 00_drop_tables.js
            |── 01_movies.js
            |── 02_critics.js
            |── 03_reviews.js
            |── 04_theaters.js
            |── 05_movies_theaters.js
    ├── errors/
        ├── asyncErrorBoundary.js
        ├── methodNotAllowed.js
    ├── movies/
        ├── movies.controller.js
        ├── movies.router.js
        ├── movies.service.js
    ├── reviews/
        ├── reviews.controller.js
        ├── reviews.router.js
        ├── reviews.service.js
    ├── theaters/
        ├── theaters.controller.js
        ├── theaters.router.js
        ├── theaters.service.js
    ├── setup/
        ├── authors.sql
        ├── books.sql
        ├── books_genres.sql
        ├── genres.sql
    ├── utils/
        ├── map-properties.js
        ├── reduce-properties.js

Database Setup

  • For local testing, I am using a docker-based database setup on a host called swarm-m3 with a new database called: chegg_welovemovies_dev
  • For remote/deployment, I will use a Render hosted DB instance: Info TBD

Local DB Setup with Docker

  1. Launch docker psql container and create DB:
    docker container run -it --rm --name postgres-psql-swarm --platform=linux/amd64 kernel528/postgres:16-arm64 psql -h -U postgres -d chegg_books_dev
    chegg_books_dev=# CREATE DATABASE chegg_welovemovies_dev;
    chegg_books_dev=# \l
    List of databases
    Name          |  Owner   | Encoding | Locale Provider |  Collate   |   Ctype    | ICU Locale | ICU Rules |   Access privileges
    chegg_books            | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    chegg_books_dev        | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    chegg_dev              | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    chegg_mock_practice    | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    chegg_node_dev         | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    chegg_welovemovies_dev | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    postgres               | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           |
    template0              | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           | =c/postgres          +
    |          |          |                 |            |            |            |           | postgres=CTc/postgres
    template1              | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            |           | =c/postgres          +
    |          |          |                 |            |            |            |           | postgres=CTc/postgres
    (9 rows)
  2. Setup DBeaver connection to be able to test/validate DB updates.
  3. Run npm install to install packages. Then attempt to startup app as is:
    : npm run start:dev
    > project-movie-back-end@1.0.0 start:dev
    > nodemon src/server.js
    [nodemon] 2.0.22
    [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
    [nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
    [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
    [nodemon] starting `node src/server.js`
    Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:5432
        at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1555:16) {
      errno: -61,
      code: 'ECONNREFUSED',
      syscall: 'connect',
      address: '::1',
      port: 5432
    [nodemon] clean exit - waiting for changes before restart
  4. Setup knex integration
  5. Setup the db/migrations
    # joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 on git:database-setup [2025-01-17 17:33:06] C:1 
    : npx knex migrate:make createCriticsTable
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1/src/db/migrations/20250117174804_createCriticsTable.js
    # joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 on git:database-setup x [2025-01-17 17:48:04]
    : npx knex migrate:make createMoviesTable 
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1/src/db/migrations/20250117174832_createMoviesTable.js
    # joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 on git:database-setup x [2025-01-17 17:48:32]
    : npx knex migrate:make createTheatersTable
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1/src/db/migrations/20250117174844_createTheatersTable.js
    # joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 on git:database-setup x [2025-01-17 17:48:44]
    : npx knex migrate:make createReviewsTable 
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1/src/db/migrations/20250117174852_createReviewsTable.js
    # joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 on git:database-setup x [2025-01-17 17:48:52]
    : npx knex migrate:make createMovies_TheatersTable
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Using environment: development
    Created Migration: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1/src/db/migrations/20250117174906_createMovies_TheatersTable.js
  6. Customize/Update the db/migrations files.
  7. Run the migrations. Note: Because I had the API server running in dev mode it picked up the migration files originally when created. Had to delete the original knex_migrations tables.
    : npx knex migrate:list  
    Using environment: development
    No Completed Migration files Found. 
    Found 5 Pending Migration file/files.
    : npx knex migrate:latest
    Using environment: development
    Batch 1 run: 5 migrations
  8. This indicates it ran fine and checking dbeaver shows the tables were created. The npm test failed as this uses sqllite for in-memory testing.
  9. Seed the data:
    : npx knex seed:run
    Using environment: development
    Ran 6 seed files
    • After seeding the files I ran some select queries using dbeaver and confirmed data loaded.

Movie Routes

  1. Task 1: GET /movies (all)
    • Updated the movies.controller.js list function. Enabled route in movies.router.js. The movies.service.js was already setup for list (get all).
    • When opening browser to http://localhost:5025/movies all movies were returned from dev database.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       Test Suites: 3 failed, 3 total
       Tests:       11 failed, 1 passed, 12 total
  2. Task 2: GET /movies?is_showing=true
    • Updated the movies.controller.js list function to include a check for is_showing in the query.params and if true, then return only those movies.
    • When opening browser to http://localhost:5025/movies?is_showing=true the output is sorted differently. Same with postman.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       Test Suites: 3 failed, 3 total
       Tests:       10 failed, 2 passed, 12 total
  3. Task 3: GET /movies/:movieId
    • Updated the movies.controller.js with code for checking if movie exists (movieExists) and enabled route in movies.router.js and updated movies.service.js read query.
    • Validated with browser route to movies/:movie_id and postman READ.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       Test Suites: 3 failed, 3 total
       Tests:       9 failed, 3 passed, 12 total
  4. Task 4: GET /movies/:movie_id invalid ID
    • Updated the movies.controller.js movieExists function with correct message. Added custom errorHandler.js to errors and updated the app.js to use this.
    • Validated with postman by using invalid movie_id.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       Test Suites: 3 failed, 3 total
       Tests:       8 failed, 4 passed, 12 total
  5. Task 5: GET /movies/:movie_id/theaters
    • Updated the movies.router.js to add the /movies/:movie_id/theaters route with theatersRouter callback.
    • Then updated the theaters.controller.js to assign the movie_id and send to the theaters.service.list(movie_id) in the list function.
    • Then updated the theaters.router.js file to enable the route.
    • Validated with browser and postman by going to the /movies/1/theaters route...
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       Test Suites: 3 failed, 3 total
       Tests:       7 failed, 5 passed, 12 total
  6. Task 6: GET /movies/:movie_id/reviews
    • Updated movies and reviews src files to support returning reviews data properly in the /movies/:movie_id/reviews route.
    • Fixed an issue with the down in the createTheatersTable migration file.
    • Validated with postman proper 200 response with review data.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       Test Suites: 3 failed, 3 total
       Tests:       6 failed, 6 passed, 12 total
  7. Task 7: should not include critics anywhere for the path /movies/:movieId/critics
    • Had to update the movies.router.js file to include a catch-all handler for /movies/:movie_id/* not defined as valid.
    • Validate with postman that going to /movies/:movie_id/reviews works as expected but something like /movies/:movie_id/critics returns a 404 error.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       PASS  test/routes/movies.test.js
       Test Suites: 2 failed, 1 passed, 3 total
       Tests:       5 failed, 7 passed, 12 total

Theater Routes

  1. Task 1: GET /theaters (list, all)
    • Updated the /src/app.js file to enable the /theaters route. This was the only change needed due to /movies route enablement tasks.
    • Validated with web browser and postman using the http://localhost:5001/theaters route.
    • Ran npm test to check test status:
       PASS  test/routes/theaters.test.js
       PASS  test/routes/movies.test.js
       Test Suites: 1 failed, 2 passed, 3 total
       Tests:       4 failed, 8 passed, 12 total

Review Routes

  1. Task 1: UPDATE /reviews/:reviewId (PUT), UPDATE /reviews/:reviewId (incorrect ID)
    • Updated the src/reviews/reviews.controller.js for the reviewExists middleware and update function.
    • Updated the src/reviews/reviews.router.js to enable the "/:review_id" route for PUT method.
    • Updated the src/reviews/reviews.service.js for the read function. The updated and other middleware checks were good.
  2. Task 2: DELETE /reviews/:reviewId (DELETE), DELETE /reviews/:reviewId (incorrect ID)
    • Updated the src/reviews/reviews.controller.js for the destroy function.
    • Updated the src/reviews/reviews.router.js to enable the "/:review_id" route for DELETE method.
    • Updated the src/reviews/reviews.service.js for the destroy function. The other middleware checks were good.

General Tasks

Reviewed code to make sure each of these are covered from the rubric

  • [ x ] Your app.js file and server.js file are correctly configured, with your app.js file exporting the application created from Express.
  • [ x ] You use the cors package so that requests from the frontend can correctly reach the backend. I set this up in the app.js to allow all routes from frontend to work. Could limit this if needed.
  • [ x ] If a request is made to a route that doesn't exist, the server returns a 404 error.
  • [ x ] If a request is made to a route that exists but the HTTP method is wrong, the server returns a 405 error.
  • [ x ] All of your routes respond with the appropriate status code and use a data key in the response.

Deploy to Cloud

Prior to deployment, I decided to move all content from the subfolder Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 up to main folder. This simplifies future deployments.

: pwd
: mv .attachignore .env .gitignore .qualified-attach.json docs knexfile.js node_modules/ package* src test ../

: git add .
: git commit -m "Moved all files from Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1 to up to be off root of WeLoveMovies repo."

: rmdir Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1

Setup Render Hosted Database

  1. Setup Render DB:
    • I created a new free Render hosted DB. Connection details are stored in the local .env file. These will be used when deploying back-end app.
  2. Setup DBeaver connection to validate credentials and to be able to validate tables and data setup. Tested connection & saved.
  3. Change to app folder: /Users/joe/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies/Final_Capstone_WeLoveMovies_Guild_Node_18_1
  4. Update the .env to set the NODE_ENV=production (or you can preceded all commands with NODE_ENV=production <cmd>)
  5. Run knex migrations on production render hosted DB.
    : npx knex migrate:list
    Using environment: production
    No Completed Migration files Found.
    Found 5 Pending Migration file/files.
    : npx knex migrate:latest
    Using environment: production
    Batch 1 run: 5 migrations
    • I ran select * from <table>; for each table to confirm created. No data at this time.
  6. Run knex seed to load sample data to the render hosted DB.
    : npx knex seed:run
    Using environment: production
    Ran 6 seed files
    • I again ran the same select * from <table>; for each table to confirm data existed.

Deploy Render Hosted Web App

  1. On the Render dashboard, click on the +New button in top-right.
  2. Select Web Service
  3. This should remember previously connected git organization.
  4. Select the WeLoveMovies repository.
  5. Fill out the fields:
    • Name: kernel528-WeLoveMovies
    • Project: Leave as part of current project.
    • Language: Node
    • Branch: main
    • Region: Leave with default value.
    • Root Directory: No change/Optional
    • Build Command: npm install
    • Start Command: npm start
    • Instance Type: Free
    • Environment Variables: Enter values from .env file.
      • Value: HIDDEN
  6. Click on the Deploy Web Service button.
  7. This should take to next screen to monitor the app deployment.
  8. Open web browser to the URL for your deployed app:

Project rubric

For your project to pass, all of the following statements must be true.

  • [ x ] All the tests are passing in Qualified.
  • [ x ] The migrations can be correctly run and rolled back.
  • [ x ] The seed command can be run multiple times and will work correctly.
  • [ x ] A response is included for Method Not Allowed.
  • [ x ] The cors package is included.
  • [ x ] The backend application is deployed and working.


I ran the following migrations, rollbacks, and seed/re-seed multiple times on both dev and prod deployments.

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud [2025-01-18 14:13:09]
: npx knex migrate:list                                   
Using environment: development
Found 5 Completed Migration file/files.
No Pending Migration files Found.

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:35:49] C:1 
: npx knex seed:run
Using environment: development
Ran 6 seed files

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:35:53]
: NODE_ENV=production npx knex seed:run
Using environment: production
Ran 6 seed files

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:36:15]
: npx knex migrate:list
Using environment: development
Found 5 Completed Migration file/files.
No Pending Migration files Found.

: npx knex migrate:down 20250117174906_createMovies_TheatersTable.js  
Using environment: development
Batch 2 rolled back the following migrations:

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:39:08]
: npx knex migrate:list
Using environment: development
Found 4 Completed Migration file/files.
Found 1 Pending Migration file/files.

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:39:14]
: for a in 20250117174852_createReviewsTable.js 20250117174844_createTheatersTable.js 20250117174832_createMoviesTable.js 20250117174804_createCriticsTable.js                                            
> do
> npx knex migrate:down $a
> done
Using environment: development
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: development
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: development
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: development
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:39:50]
: npx knex migrate:list
Using environment: development
No Completed Migration files Found. 
Found 5 Pending Migration file/files.

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:40:20]
: npx knex migrate:latest
Using environment: development
Batch 1 run: 5 migrations
# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:40:28]
: npx knex seed:run
Using environment: development
Ran 6 seed files
# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:40:38]
: NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:list
Using environment: production
Found 5 Completed Migration file/files.
No Pending Migration files Found.

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:41:13]
: for a in 20250117174906_createMovies_TheatersTable.js 20250117174852_createReviewsTable.js 20250117174844_createTheatersTable.js 20250117174832_createMoviesTable.js 20250117174804_createCriticsTable.js 
> do
> NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:down $a
> done
Using environment: production
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: production
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: production
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: production
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
Using environment: production
Batch 1 rolled back the following migrations:
# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:41:51]
: NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:list
Using environment: production
No Completed Migration files Found. 
Found 5 Pending Migration file/files.

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:41:57]
: NODE_ENV=production npx knex migrate:latest
Using environment: production
Batch 1 run: 5 migrations

# joe @ obiwan in ~/github/kernel528/Chegg-Skills/Projects/Backend-Web-Dev/WeLoveMovies on git:deploy-to-cloud x [2025-01-18 14:42:50]
: NODE_ENV=production npx knex seed:run
Using environment: production
Ran 6 seed files

Local Development Support

  • Updated knexfile.js to include a local development using docker.
  • To run with local development, perform the following steps.
  • Setup local data persistence, set a docker volume and map that to the docker container.
    docker volume create postgres-obiwan-data
  • Update the .env file and set the NODE_ENV=development
    docker container run -it --name postgres-obiwan --hostname postgres-obiwan --restart=always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<some password> -p 5432:5432 -v postgres-obiwan-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d kernel528/postgres:16
  • Start the backend...
    npm run start:dev
  • Start the front-end...
    cd <path to front-end>
    npm run start-legacy
  • Do the usual stuff with knex integration to setup the DB, tables, and seed data - refer to #validations section above for example.


Chegg Skills back-end web development certificate program final capstone project.






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