My Chapter
Utlilty for drawing Climographs in Python using Seaborn (Climographs show average temperatures and rainfall on a single graph of a place)
I wrote this Python program while drawing Climograph of a botanical reserch I did on Indian Cryptocoryne, I need the Climograph of the place, included in my paper (Not yet published)
1. Cute Seaborn version Here
2. Nice Matplotlib Version Here
Please modify the list shown below using your climate data obtained from sites like [Pune climate] ( or this site which I like Better site for Pune Climate
# set height of bar
Rain=[1, 2, 9, 6, 14,151, 161, 105, 96, 108, 38, 2]
Temp=[29.3,32.2, 35,37.3, 36.4,36.4, 25.3,25.3,26.7,28.4,28,28]
Humi=[44, 36,33,37,51,77,86, 88, 85,71,60,52]
Rest of the program is self-explanatory and has comments. Both achieve same results and HD PNG image is written to your Current Working Directory that you can use in your paper.